Would it be possible to obtain some change logs over the last few days of updates? Or a blatent copy/paste of the commit log just to get a grasp of what we should be poking at?
I was about to post and ask about this as well. Would be nice to know what changes are going out whenever there is a random update. Maybe the last update had something to do with the nav server. Its been up/down all day for me and is currently down or is it just me?
Currently down. The real excitement I've noticed (but not sure when it happened) was that we can make our own custom profile tags now.
Ah! Figured it out! If you're using helpers such as "Me = GameManager.LocalPlayer", you'll have to stop, or find an implementation that checks the validity of your current GameManager, as it's reference changes now. I just put mine in a PerFrameCache and I'm doing okay again.
Sorry for the flurry of builds in the last few days. I updated our networking libs (which broke things for a little while), and fixed a handful of lingering issues. You should always use GameManager.LocalPlayer, and not cache it unless you know 100% positively that you won't hit a loading screen. You can always use a property (... Me { get { return GameManager.LocalPlayer; } }) Basically, the changes are: Updated networking libs. (Resolves issues with lingering socket connections which causes some people to fail to connect) Updated the nav server with missing map IDs. Added SpellManager.SpellInformation.Tier (to retrieve the tier of a spell properly. Carbine changed a bunch of things related to spell tiers recently) Fixed the loading screen lockup issues. (Basically, the bot somehow wasn't updating the actors list, so it wound up in an invalid state) And updates to the latest patch.
A wild Apoc appears! Yeah I've swapped things over, my first run throughs of code are just hack jobs (haha) Any idea when the nav server will be behaving again? We've been hitting "Did not receive valid pathfind response in the last 5 seconds." for a bit now. =P Nevermind, I see there's a thread on it in the main.