I need extra info on this one. 1) What rank is the Barn? 2) Which trap quests have been completed? (This affects the gossip option order) Ideally, I'd need a screenshot of the Gossip window for the Barn NPC
may i ask you what this "KeepMinimum and KeepMinimumSecondary" means? Code: <WorkOrderLimitation Building="Alchemy" KeepMinimum="0" KeepMinimumSecondary="0" /> i apologize if it was answered before... regards...
Of course! For almost all work orders, there is only 1 reagent needed to place the work order (the only exception as of right now, is Engineering, which requires 2. Hence the "Secondary" value) Setting either value will ensure the bot will not place a specific work order, if you have less than the "KeepMinimum" value of that item available. Eg; for the "Forge", if you set KeepMinimum to 100, the bot will not place work orders that take you below 100 ore on your character. This is simply for users who like to pool some resources for other things, and not spend them all on work orders.
If ever there was something to represent the analogy "Best thing since sliced bread", this is probably it. Excellent job
thx for answer - now i know i will leave it like it is one more question and Im finished i think ^^ copying the Settings to other chars will work? regards
Can you support only to collect mines and herbs and don't collecting shipments. Because my account has a bug it's always show there have 19 mines shipments can collect, however there have none actually. I think this bug is because my account changed the camp from Horde to Alliance. View attachment 496 2015-04-02 22.32.txt
I did a speed read through the thread and couldn't find my issue, which is that the mission settings in Bot Config always revert the mission priority to "Experienced Gained" even when I try to change it to other settings like resources gained. View attachment 5916 2015-04-18 09.40.txt
Because I'm weird, I have about 16 toons at max level who only ever garrison. That said I have several w/ more than 40 Salvage crates. It doesn't appear to be performing a minimum bag space check when opening salvage. ON the plus side, the postmaster has my back Had a problem in Alliance level 3 completing a small building, rode to scroll and seemed to have an issue interacting so I clicked it. Also, it might be an pathing issue with the folks getting caught at the fountain. Just ran it, got caught at the fountain and log was posting that it was trying to collect mine work orders (Verbose logging turned on from last time I ran beta), I ran it about halfway to mine, restarted and it completed with no problem, except missing 1 node it appears. Any chance of future options to go out and trap? Collect Lumber? Fish in Pond and do daily fishing quest? EDIT Just watched it try to do barn, I have leather and fur crates in my bags, but reading the text for the option it selected, option two for the gossip interaction, which for my level 2 barn is "What's new with the improved iron trap?" See attached log, after failing interaction it did NOT attempt to continue, didn't see if it tried twice, running short on time. Thanks for the new product. View attachment 680 2015-04-18 07.48.txt Price is what you pay, value is what you get.
Awesome work. On alliance though it just seems to wander through the mine without picking up nodes unless you stop and start the bot again. Also, bot keeps setting the mission priority back to experience gained as others have mentioned.
Could you please get me a screenshot of the gossip window for the Barn NPC? Also, what level is your barn?
In case you didn't see the barn screenshot. I tried running this with HBRelog. Got stuck going for the mine. View attachment 6092 2015-04-18 23.41.txt
Barn Level 2, Alliance. I have a level 3 Barn on Horde side, interaction screen should be the same, just different interact NPC if you need that as well. I might have a level 1 Barn floating around to actually.
Bug: Unless you have enough Draenic Stones to start a workorder at the mine, then the bot never moves close to the entrance and as a result ignores it. You can however start the bot right outside the mine, and it will empty it EDIT: This doesnt seem to apply, my guess was wrong! It might be when run in conjunction with HBRelog that it skips harvesting. Will update tomorrow when I have a fresh garrison to use for testing!
Could you be more specific? What does it ignore? It should detect that there are "things" in the mine, and go to harvest them, regardless of whether or not you have stones for a work order, or have a pending shipment ready for pick up. Please do note that the bot has a 6 hour timer on re-checking the mines, and herb garden. (This timer is stored in the settings file if you want to force it to re-check immediately. Simply remove the 2 lines from the settings file, and restart your bot.)