I just bought a month of DB and it's not working. I placed the code into the DB Login, it keeps telling me the "Authentication Failed!" So thinking it was just the code, i bought another month of DB. It's doing the same thing to me again. After trying the codes, it crashes and makes me load it again. I've uninstalled and loaded DB again, but nothing is working. Max Sessions Authentication failed! Logging in... Max Sessions Authentication failed! Logging in... Max Sessions Authentication failed! Logging in... Max Sessions Authentication failed! Logging in... Max Sessions Authentication failed! Logging in... Max Sessions Authentication failed! Logging in... Max Sessions Authentication failed! Logging in...
log into the buddyauth website, go to "sessions", find your key in the list, highlight it, and then kill it.
Like the other guy said you need to go here https://www.buddyauth.com/ log in and go to the sessions tab and kill your DemonBuddy process, if you don't see it there and you're still getting the max sessions thing check the keys tab and make sure you have the right key put in the bot, if you do and you're still having the problem check and see if you firewall is blocking the bot? don't know what to tell you really if you can't find it in the sessions tab and you have the right key installed.
what i usually do is restart my computer. but check to make sure that you are not using the same key twice