Most of the Garrison Botbases are still not quite up yet, and GarrisonBuddy doesn't yet include professional cooldowns. Until then... ALL PROFESSIONAL DAILY COOLDOWNS Burnished Leather Hexweave Cloth Gearspring Parts Truesteel Ingot Alchemical Catalyst Fractured Temporal Crystal Taladite Crystal War Paints Daily Secrets of Draenor built in with easy edit, see below DISCLAIMER: MAY NOT WORK WITH NON-ENGLISH CLIENTS (now that primals are available the PerformTradeSkillOn function is currently not functional). You can chain this together using HBRelog/ARelog with GarrisonBuddy to complete all of your professional cooldowns!!! Things to know: 1) Uses Questing Botbase 2) Uses Thermal Anvil if you have one 3) Runs to Anvil in Garrison if you don't have Thermal Anvil and need Anvil for daily cooldown 4) All of the Secrets of Draenor are defaulted to off! To change open the profile, delete the <!-- & --> around the one(s) you need Please report with log if you have any issues. I have zero products on the store, just trying to give back to the community! Please + Rep if you download and use
Fixed the secrets dailies (even though commented out, I wanted it to work easy for people) - spelled Secret, supposed to be Secrets Fixed the blacksmithing daily spelled Ignot, supposed to be Ingot All others seemed to be working, the only one not test was Leatherworking.