Does Gatherbuddy lifetime include Honorbuddy or are they two separate purchases? The product page seems vague. Also, does Honorbuddy do the new Cataclysm quests automatically or just the old stuff, which now is mostly just Outlands and Northrend?
About that, questing profiles are still being made, as some quests have "special" things to do about them and are kind of hard to make. All of the old world stuff has to be remade to because EVERYTHING has been changed, but there are still some nice old world profiles but since Outlands and Northrend haven't changed there fine. Just a warning, so your not disappointed the second you buy, it all has to be remade and it is being built from the beginning all over again. all 1-60's should be up soon though
with lifetime you get a choice of 3.... three gatherbuddy's running, or three honorbuddy's running ,or 2 HB and 1 GB or 2 GB's and 1 HB... all can be used at the sametime ( 3 different accounts) the pick of 3 is however the way you want to use any day..
Buddy Lifetime = GB / HB up to 3 logins to the buddy server at once (mix / match as you choose). It does do the new quests, as long as a profile has been made to do them
So Buddy Lifetime includes both HB and GB with no monthly cost and allows up to 3 simultaneous connections to the buddy server. Excellent. Thanks.