hello. have a problem. Just stacking bot after 3 boss and nothing do. Log is too large. here it Upd: fresh install, without elvui the same.
Please delete your mesh folder and try again. You can find it in "Settings & Tools => Mesh Folder Path".
Ok so deleted the mesh and didnt get stuck lk took a While but i think thats the singulars fault i didnt die anyway
for war 620 il, dying on the second frost phase on lich king all the times. Too much damage it takes. Think he can burst it. but it always walking around.
With that item level you are probably dying to infest. Use DungeonBuddy to run the LFR so you get some gear and then come back. The walking around is necessary to make the tactic work. I have a feature request to make the bot use self-healing when below 90% health and suffering from infest. This will take a bit though as I am super-busy right now. I have just today created Trello boards for my projects and added this issue to it now.
I dont know how it called, but it hit for ~50k. Everything is okey, but then during 12sec i'm die. Thx for advise, going for lfr. But for pally is everithing good, nobody hit him for 50k.
I have added this new passage to the thread overview and intend to offer it for all my products. If you find an issue/feature request missing then please report it once again, so I can add it. I know Trello is not a sophisticated bug tracker, but this is a single-person job and I want you to see what's going on in an easy fashion so I chose this compromise. Edit: Link removed due to forum rules.
Could you possibly make combinated profile that does all bosses on normal up to the LK, and the switch to HC and make Lich King kill? Thank You! BTW profile works like a charm, not one stuck on 5 chars/week, I can only recommend
I read somewhere that you can't do that anymore since 6.0 and that you need to kill all bosses (except Valithria on HC in order to do the Lich King on HC). Is that not true?
seems like a moot point anyways, its not MUCH faster and if you cant do the raid on heroic, why would you be able to kill LK?
I can recommend this profile. Used it yesterday on my ilvl 644 Ret Pally. Full HC clear 25 man, no problems at all. 100% AFK
Studio60, do you have any plans to make a Raid Studio: Karazhan anytime soon? That is one I would also definitely buy from you seeing that ALL your profiles so far have worked flawlessly for me.
Yeah I think it will be great, but I think the issue is Chess boss encounter which is hardly to predict. But maybe author know solution
As soon as my Studio Companion plugin is released, I will go ahead and complete the missing raids. If you are curious about the plugin feel free to check out the plugin forum. I am not allowed to link to my other products even though this one is going to be free. I already have a few new raids lined up on my hard drive. The chess encounter is also not that hard to do. I already designed the basic code a while back, just need to clean it up. It might take 2-3 tries because a bit of luck is involved, but that doesn'T matter as you don't even die.
im getting a huge drop of fps from 111 to about 8 or so when i run this profile... its ever since HB updated.. just me or what?> Only drops low when I zone into the instance.