blizzard sent you mail, informing you of how they could detect HB? did you really just quote yourself. in the very next thread? you may be pleased to know you can edit your posts. no need to quote yourself
Bossland explains
Haha that was my reaction as well - smirk and uninstall. Thanks for that extra 26 gigs on my SSD, Blizz.
Can you dig that up... If that is true and they did not listen and left us all out there exposed, I would be quite furious.
Shoulda had him use sbr instead. X64 botting ftw. I reckon they didn't even bother scanning anyone using a x64 client.
Apart from refusing to spend time creating a client that used a non dated version of wow to add to security. Maybe a stop gap, but can't argue it would have been more secure and performed better.
Whatever you need to tell yourself. Rather tell everyone else to try to stem the hemorrhaging to protect your source of revenue.
Time to among other things demand an x64 version. Yes I knew there was some risk, but never did I imagine they would catch every thing, despite all my precautions.