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  • I know HB staff and I have had our issues before....

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by deadhippy, May 13, 2015.

    1. deadhippy

      deadhippy Member

      May 30, 2014
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      But I want to say thank you. When I got sick, and my body was no longer able to do the things I could once do (I suffer from MS and Parkinson's) you gave me a way to get out of my depression. I was able to play this game again and I loved it! Ok let's be honest...I found a way to be active in the game, I do not call using HB to level my toons and to combat "playing" but I did have a guild who counted on me, and I was able to have fun again! I am not mad at you for getting found out. I knew the risk. Now it is back to sleeping 18 hours a day, and having a "KNOWN" no life...what I mean by that is when I was in game I still had no life..but it sure as hell did not feel like it! Maybe some of you can understand what I mean.
      I wish blizzard would understand what this game ment to me, and how it gave me something to do. But like with other things..they do not give a shit.
      I wonder if I could open a American's with disability's suit against them? :) That maybe a plan! Goodbye HB, I hope you return bigger and better! I doubt if I will be here, but I do wish you all the best!
      And no hard feelings on my end for our issues in the past.
    2. Macatho

      Macatho New Member

      Dec 3, 2011
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      MS and parkinson's? Damn that's a horrible hand you got dealt.
    3. Jwangner

      Jwangner New Member

      Oct 16, 2012
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      I have the same situation you have just not the same medical issues. The body breaking down ordeal is something I can completely relate to. So what do you think is our best course of action when it comes to getting back to botting? I just need the bot to help with the rotation. Is this ban wave something where Blizz can 100% detect HB or you think we can continue to play just using the rotation and not the actual grinding or gathering deal? Of my many accounts only one got banned today and wouldn't you know it, the one was my main with all my achieves and mounts. Yes I know botting on a main account is stupid but again I was only using HB on it for rotation help and getting those DPS #'s up a bit higher. Funny my gathering and grinding accounts didn't get touched. So you all believe they will keep the accounts perma banned or will they actually lift the ban after 6 months or sooner :)
    4. frosticus

      frosticus Community Developer

      Oct 19, 2012
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      wife has 'sudden onset aggressive MS' its a pretty shitty disease. working for a cure and all that.
    5. deadhippy

      deadhippy Member

      May 30, 2014
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      The thing I wish Blizzard would understand I do not bot to scam anyone or to become rich in a game. I botted to just be able to play! I still think there is a ADA law suit in this mess. just trying to figure out to go about it
    6. deadhippy

      deadhippy Member

      May 30, 2014
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      I just spoke to a GM Lograldon and spoke to him about my personal issue with the game. And he said
      I know the action seems harsh, but we simply can't make exceptions to the no botting rule, even for a situation like yours
      So I guess I am dead and gone now. Good luck to those of you that are left!

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