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  • Horde Twilight Volatile Air

    Discussion in 'Archives' started by shiftyknt, Dec 26, 2010.

    1. shiftyknt

      shiftyknt New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      just a profile i made before went to bed, its a twilight highlands volatile air profile, i was running it on mixed mode on a mage and running a uldum volatile air profile on a priest
      Mage - 1344 honor 28 volatile air 60 Embersilk Cloth
      Priest - 1211 honor 10 volatile air
      i'll admit i have never seen so few volatile air drop in uldum, would normally get 60+ in the time frame, i would even suggest using a uldum one over this. its just and extra if you're already running an uldum one and volatile are sell as quick and as expensive as they do on my server and you don't want your bot fighting it's self for kills.
      could quite easily be changed for ally

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    2. izzar

      izzar New Member

      Dec 6, 2010
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      just a quick question, how do you make profiles? what program do you use to make a few simple hotspot locations, all I wanna do Is make a few simple auto angler profiles ;)
    3. shiftyknt

      shiftyknt New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      Here's my template, everything you have to fill in is ***blah blah*** delete all of that and add the info

      ***mob number here*** = click on the mobs you want the bot to kill and in HB click Target Info and it will have Faction = (x) just put that number in.
      ***hotspots here*** = run around the path you want the bot to run and hit the My Position button every 20 yards or so, once done copy the whole list and insert it
      ***vender here*** = find the closest repair click on this hit the Target Info button copy and paste
      ***mailbox here*** = stand next to a mailbox hit My Position copy and paste.
      Then save as whatever, make sure its a .xml file and you're done.

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