Its an amazing coincidence. Many botters bot for gold to sell. Blizz releases wow tokens which you can sell for gold. The tokens compete directly with the botters, blizz bans botters. Timing just seems too convenient. They must have felt that sales of wow tokens were going to be worth more than 100k subscriptions.
How many botters here bought tokens? I know I bought like 15 of main account is set for a year. If anything it only makes more sense for a botter to increase profit by buying their gametime with gold rather than spending the money they earn from selling the gold to buy another month or two. It makes complete sense to me that in fact the opposite was the case....the legit people were spending their money buying tokens to get more gold rather than farm, and us botters with our endless flow of gold and endless ability to farm were buying them up in bunches. Yes the AH players who are legit definitely bought a bunch, but there are only a handful of successful AH players compared to the masses of us who are botting. WoW was making more profit on a single months gametime with tokens then they were with every regular gametime sale....think about it....if 100k bots bought 1 tokens each, at $20 a token, $5 profit over regular gametime cards in the WoW shop, that equates to a $500k increase in the revenue from a months gametime, so selling 100k 1 month time cards is $1.5 million USD, where 100k tokens is $2 million....seems pretty sensible to let the botters be if tokens were the real issue here.
nah, blizzard tried to sell gold themselves via the tokens and in a way interupt gold sellers business. it worked.
It seems gold botters devalue the gold price of a wow token. Since the ban the price of a gold token on my server has increased a lot.
bs since eu and us are server wide in those regions, and tokens are the same as they where before. stop spreading false info.
im sure everyone sits on 5 mil there like we sit on 1. value of gold compared to token prices will be the same or somewhat the same, just like eu-us.
I buy and sell tokens all the time, perhaps it was a horde vs alliance thing as Ive made a new account in a new faction. Yes, Im joining the alliance pvp stack. Before I was banned I got 32000 gold for my token (but I was horde... if that makes a difference). Last night I got 39000 gold.
you cant sell a token that u bought in ah. so u tell me you buy a overpriced wow token in the store and sell it, to buy another one in the ah when the gold price is different. Buy and sell u say right? Same shit , different smell. Still dont believe you. token prices are exactly the same, blizzard just changed their algorithm to remove the peaks. Don't get fooled by the illusion that players are buying tokens, blizzard is buying the majority of the tokens.
i just fell out of my chair,choking on a bite of pizza. did you just say you buy tokens? you are posting on a botting forum, that sells a bot, that farms gold FOR FREE!!!! wtf are you doing buying token? ------------------------- and on a side note- out of the last 1.5m i made, i purchased one token.