[PALADIN] (GOLDEN FRAME FARM) Cheap Paladin Control Deck 80-85% Winrate The title says it all, I took the basis of this build from another post and replaced the expensive cards with relatively cheap ones. The deck itself is alright, don't expect rank 1 from it. However I did get a 83% winrate over 100 games at rank 20 with auto concede on. Set to control. The deck is attached below. Let me know how you guys go with it.
Anyone confused about setting the deck type just follow this... Go to your hearthbuddy folder -> Routines -> Default routines -> Default routines(open with notepad) -> once open, ctrl+f, search for "new Behavior"-> once you find it, if it says "new BehaviorControl" then you are control, if you want to change it to rush than change it to "new BehaviorRush" then save it and run hearthbuddy!
You recommend running this as Control though in the first post correct? Also if you have a 83% Win rate what Rank did you end at? (By that I mean did you manage to push any further or just staying steady at 20)
Yes, I recommend running this as control. I haven't tried pushing it any further to be honest, I'm not sure what the deck is capable of achieving in terms of rank. Just try it out and let me know! Maybe it is actually better than I thought. The deck was just created as a cheap simple deck to farm golden portrait!
Do you have any cheap decks to push Ranks with? I pushed to Rank 12 with this deck 60% Win rate between 17-12
I can't seem to find the exact deck but this seems to be similar to the one I modified for us poor players haha...
Just for all the others that still want to try this deck. My stats are well over 300 games played with still 80%-85% win rate, tendering more towards 84-85%
I was able to maintain the 80% at 18-20 But letting it push it obtained around 62% Now to Rank 11, I find it pushes alot quicker early hours 3-7am GMT.
Great! Anything above 55% when pushing is good and anything above 60% is really good. One only needs a fraction above 50% to push ranks.
I didnt get the part where I should open "Default Routines" with notepad. I can't do that? Please help me
I am using one currently, it's quite difficult to get a nice warrior deck but i have one that is sitting around 70% win rate at the beginning of the season so i reckon it will be around 80-85% from the middle to end of the season. I'll post it tonight.