Is there some sort of existing function or does someone know the formula to translate map x/y coordinates to real coordinates? I was wanting to make something like a navigation botbase where you could enter some map coordinates and it would run you to the closest point near that location. For example if I look at my character in game and at 18x/16y in a particular zone, my actual coordinates will be something like this: <-161.6122, 79.94948, -277.4879>. Thanks!
There is no easy way but I think you can transform your X/Y in-game to the vector3 x and z You can use the difference between the destination ingame X/Y and your current X/Y and calculate the offset to your current vector3 xyz, their ratio is 1:50 (X and Y : x and z) However, as you do not have the correct y value, and the convertion has a error of up to 100 yalm, most of the time the mesh server will just tell you No viable path. The xyz you got maybe inside a mountain, up in the sky, or any place that is not reachable around your destination.
I'm not sure how to use the formula you gave for converting. Take for example: In one particular map 18x/16y converts to <-161.6122, 79.94948, -277.4879> I don't see how to use the formula to convert back and forth? I was thinking also to use CanFullyNavigateTo to check for a safe Z but it sounds like that may be frowned upon & out of the question pretty much.
I'd say that you'll likely need to gather point data manually (gah!) to create a database of your own if your goal is accuracy - you don't want a map X,Y in-game to fall inside of an unmeshed area. I could be wrong. Wait for others to chime in I suppose. hkme posted some good points already. You could also use the Profile Creator tool within RB itself to gather some data and extrapolate from there. Check the first two screenshots in this topic:
e.g. In your map 18x/16y equals to <-161.6122, 79.94948, -277.4879> and your destination is 20x/20y, the offset is +2x and +4y, since the ratio is 1:50, then you add 100 to x (-161.6122), and add 200 to z (-277.4879), resulting vector3 <-61.6122, 79.94948, -77.4879> However we use two X/Y coordinate each have 50-yalm error, total could be off by 100-yalm. Also the y coordinate is inaccurate. I said so because I am currently getting my X Y using chat command "/echo <pos>" If you compile and store a database for each map you may improve the accuracy to 50-yalm.
This helps explain it a lot. I was hoping to be able to create a botbase that would allow you to enter some x / y coords, translate to real coords, and then find a safe z, then navigate there... Seems a lot easier conceptually, but the fact that you can't accurately translate map coords, plus the fact that it's frowned upon to make a lot of nav calls, makes it very difficult. Theoretically I could travel to the furthest corner of each zone & then calculate some pretty accurate locations that way if I record the x/y of both map/game coords, but still leaves some problems. Think I'll just pass on this idea for now. Thanks guys!
I have a working Orderbot tag where you can give X/Y and it moves there. I just cannot release it due to a not yet clarified issues with the Gaja Navigator which I have to finish first wiht mashtag. Else you might get all banned for using it.