I tried making my own with some other profiles that are out there but i cant seem to make it work. If anyone can create a profile that only gathers Spruce Logs that would be awesome. Also no limit to how many logs are collected.
You can try downlading this profile https://www.thebuddyforum.com/rebor...-botany-orderbot-unspoiled-nodes-farming.html and removing the rest, leaving only spruce logs.
I tried what you recommended but it seems sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Just need someone to look over the profile i created and see what needs to be changed.
Considering you are only harvesting one node and it only spawns once every 70minutes. You don't need the class change code chunks and so forth but it will be fine to leave them there. You just need to make sure that your classes are set to what the callouts for the codechunks use so if your botany gearset is not 21 then it will mess it up. Code: <CodeChunk Name="MIN"> <![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.ChatManager.SendChat("/gs change 20"); ]]> </CodeChunk> <CodeChunk Name="BTN"> <![CDATA[ ff14bot.Managers.ChatManager.SendChat("/gs change 21"); ]]> Second your only mining one node and you aren't going anything else at all. Which is fine and dandy but you really haven't defined how often to do it. You left it open which should mean infinitely or until manually stopped but you will notice that orderbot will end your profile and assume that all requested actions are complete. You need to add in a wait while condition during the time period that you aren't gathering. So I have added that to a profile and did not test it at all so you get to do that. Hopefully this works for you but honestly you are gathering for less than a minute and waiting for the other 69 minutes. This is a horribly inefficient way to do it and you might as well be using one of the 1star unspoiled botany profiles in the profile section so you are finding other things to do during that time like fragrant logs to get your forager mainhand. View attachment Spruce_Log_2.xml
I completely agree with this. It's best to simply run the entire unspoiled node profile to keep your character busy. If you don't need the extra nodes for anything, sell the materials you gained and you can use that to upgrade your gathering gear or for stocking up on gil for the expansion.
Thanks a bunch for looking over the profile. I do plan on running the full node list once im done with my little project im working. Again thanks a bunch!