Hello, I have following Problem. The bot is not attacking the Boss mob of the fate Dark Device Fate Series. But attacks every Mob inside the Fate-Area even without being attacked by that mob. Please help me. Is there a new Version of the fatebot- botbase out there???
The post doesnt say anything. It say that the fate was found Shows the Location, moves to the Location. and after reaching the fate it attacks nothing else. I can read logs. But here is the log for one of the dark devices Fates. And lunatic follower is not the fate Boss or even not a fate mob. Lunatic Follow did not attack me, the bot started attacking the lunatic follower. Log: [22:26:03.739 N] Current fate set to 1BAFA310 Name: Dark Devices - The Switch Id:645 Icon:Boss ObjectId:E0000000 Location:<243.637, 25, 45.57612> TimeLeft:00:12:27.2607829 Radius:60,55592 Progress:0 Level:49 MaxLevel:54 Status:ACTIVE [22:26:03.739 D] [POI Set] Type: Fate, Location: <243.637, 25, 45.57612> [22:26:03.801 D] DoAction Mount 1 0xE0000000 [22:26:05.442 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill, Name: Lunatic Follower, ObjectId: 4001B32F, NpcId: 1681, Location: <212.2009, 29.38419, 59.48117> [22:26:05.507 D] Requesting path on 147 from <187.9162, 23.22166, 78.1514> to <212.2009, 29.38419, 59.48117> [22:26:05.620 D] Generated path to <212.2009, 29.38419, 59.48117> in 00:00:00.1129814 ms [22:26:05.971 D] Targeting Lunatic Follower 0x4001B32F 0xF658EB0 [22:26:07.774 D] DoAction Spell 164 0x4001B32F [22:26:07.775 N] [Ultima] Ability: Bio [22:26:07.842 D] DoAction Spell 166 0x103776C4 [22:26:07.842 N] [Ultima] Ability: Aetherflow [22:26:09.754 N] Stopping the bot. Reasonushed the stop button. [22:26:09.777 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
The Boss is Milburh in various forms and In one of These Fates Gaunt Slaveling is the slave mob of Milburh