I wanted to get some of the plugins for fate bot. ones that make it so it checks for level and goes to those zones/fates of similar level. Because the fate bot without plugin always tries to go to a zone 10lvl + and gets killed all the time. However when i add any plugin that has to do with fate bot, RB wont even load up. I then get a windows error saying program can not launch(or something like that). So question 1 is am i using fate bot wrong? If not why is it suicidal? Does it just do the zone your in and you have to place it in different zones manually? And why are the plugins crashing the RB? Did i do something wrong there as well? I used [FateAutoLeveler], [FateLevelSetter]. Only ones i could find that i thought would fix the fate bot suicidal tendencies. AND NOO i didn't use the 2 together. i tried them separate and they both wont load when in the plugin folder. Yet once i remove them it works again. I have other plugins like repear and stuff that works great. just seems fate bot anything doesnt. Thanks for any help in advance.
Yes. Without a teleporting plugin, it will not change zones. Don't forget to set your Home Point to an Aetheryte in the zone you're in if you are unable to get a zone teleporter plugin working! You can try this modified version of FateAutoLeveler and see if it works (it may not): https://www.thebuddyforum.com/rebor...ebot-automated-teleporting-5.html#post1927606 Personally, I haven't tested FateLevelSetter, so I'm unsure if it's still working. Have you tried either of these? https://www.thebuddyforum.com/rebor...11747-fate-stay-teleport-fate-teleporter.html https://www.thebuddyforum.com/rebor...96-destiny-fateautoleveler-gearset-1-9-a.html
Hi Tiger, [FateAutoLeveler] is an outdated plugin and is no longer supported. try looking at these plugins. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/rebornbuddy-forum/plugins/211747-fate-stay-teleport-fate-teleporter.html https://www.thebuddyforum.com/rebornbuddy-forum/plugins/213196-destiny-fateautoleveler-gearset-1-9-a.html Also Upload a log. Then we can see why your RB behaves the way it does. U can set maximum level in the botbase settings of fatebot so he doenst do fates to high above your level.
Thanks for help. I eneded up figuring out why they didnt work. I was putting them under plugins folder and not bot base folder. =/ haha. but thanks for the updating and all the help.