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  • Your thoughts on our situation?

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Taybox, May 23, 2015.

    1. Taybox

      Taybox New Member

      Jan 5, 2012
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      So my main account has titles, gear, full xmog sets, CM gold weapons.

      I want to start playing a new account. but the problem is, by the time I bot a brand new account up and start regearing him and recollecting stuff, my main account will be back up in action. then I will have the same class, on 2 diff accounts, both with great stuff. I hate this situation...
    2. Taybox

      Taybox New Member

      Jan 5, 2012
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      I almost with it woulda been a perma ban so I wouldn't have to worry with it
    3. HBfanboy1980

      HBfanboy1980 Active Member

      Jan 16, 2012
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      Oh no its very liberating. Try picking 1 race and class and leveling and playing only that character. Don't worry about collecting much just participate in stuff. Do things with people who need an extra person. You won't feel a drive to collect everything like you did when you had miltiple toons. You'll just complete everything anyways by participating. Thats the thing we all lost when we started our second alt... that feeling of participation and free flowing fun was replaced with obligation and nagging.

      try it out!

      edit: purposely use the most basic mount you can think of! a Wind Rider(?) no colors :)
      do things that keep your expectations low (within reason obviously) in order to always feel like you are doing something unexpected.
    4. Elijhia

      Elijhia New Member

      Oct 18, 2012
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      I'm in the same boat. I was completely wiped out, except I moved my guild bank on to a new unbotted account on a fluke the day before the wave. I bought two more accounts and desperately want to bot on them, but HB is still down, I wish I knew of a new decent bot to use for the time being, and for a few weeks after HB comes back on line. I invested heavily in HB and the HB store, so I will always come back as long as its viable, but I need a cr bot for the time being. If any one could help me on that please pm me. The losses were all my own fault for botting on my main, and my box team, and I guess I trusted a little to much in HB being bullet proof. I stayed away from pvp, or any "risky" stuff on my part. Just plain old bad luck caught me I gI guess. I'm hopeful for honor buddies future. I love the community, and the bot has been good to me. I have not made much gold with it, as I was not sure how, and figured no one would want to share their secrets. I did do a lot of dungeons, and had fun with the crs in pve, as my hands are junk now, and it allowed me to enjoy the games again. I actually grieve the potential loss of HB more then my accounts. I can buy more, I can re level, sure I have some irreplaceable stuff, but I can not play the game with out honorbuddy do to my own human frailties. It was a disability tool for me, and I miss it a lot.
    5. Drowsic

      Drowsic Member

      Feb 16, 2011
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      I think I saw a similar thread on the WoW forums where some people were saying 6 months is less harsh than a perma-ban. Then someone came with the 'but with a perma ban they just get a new account and move on. With a 6mo suspension they have the choice to open a new account and start over, but with the knowledge that in 6 months their stuff will be back.
      "Ill-gotten" gains will be rendered near useless in 6 months (IF Blizzard releases the next raid or whatnot). I have to disagree with this as all my old items will at least give me a starting point. Playing catch up may be annoying, but not botting for 6 months and trying to get a character back to my top main will take me roughly 6 months with my play style and luck.

      Sure we can all level that quickly easily, but getting proffs up, gold for garrison expansion, and essentially setting up another main character is going to take a chunk of time. Then after all of that work your other characters open back up on the suspended accounts. To me that is a giant middle finger, and likely others have the same dialog once in a while.
      "Do I want to get another account going? I could get everything back easily enough and get a decent looking account in that time. Though it would be a giant waste once my other accounts open back up since then I'll have more alts to micromanage... Nevermind... Maybe Steam is having a sale today?"

      For all the casual botters they banned, this is a living hell. I used HB primarily for Garrison farming on alts so they could have a fairly updated starting point should I choose to play those classes. Combat Rotation botting on my main primarily as I actually enjoyed playing him (and AFK botting on a clothie is laughably stupid with deaths per hour imo).
      Had another account running with a powerhouse class that could solo the world if I chose to do so, instead had it running for gold to keep up my Garrison building and funding my playtime via tokens. Whenever I opted to log everything off for a "cooldown" period I would sell leftover mats and misc items on the mobile AH while at work.

      This kind of efficiency was huge and fun for me as it made when I was able to actually play enjoyable, and times I was unable to log in myself did not make it so my few hours of actual gaming was just catchup for the week or two missed.

      I may enjoy my starter account and leave the cap at 20 and just PvP. May be able to twink out a character for that as well. There are "less" PvP botters out there so it should be enjoyable, and being level capped at a twink stage makes it so there is never missed time as it is all frozen.
      Then I'll buy all the PvP mounts with honor gained for when my main accounts go online again.

      It's just a mind game of "do I want to spend money on something or just wait it out and play with my already self sustained characters when the ban is lifted?"

      In other news, looks like the WoW forums are moving past the banwave. Now everyone is crying about the lack of flying and poorly designed zones that made flying dearly missed. Same people saying its repetitive and boring and will make them cancel their sub that rejoiced the loudest when the banwave hit to "punish all those lazy cheaters"
      So who is the winner in this? The botters who didn't want to drive themselves mad trying to deal with the new boring areas between end content and kept their subs as WoW became enjoyable again, or the people now flooding for refunds since the announcement of no flying as the areas are "time wasting"?
    6. Phyxios

      Phyxios Member

      Jul 18, 2012
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      start another account on the same one..


      you keep titles. heirlooms, mounts, achi's ect.
    7. killajosh

      killajosh Member

      Mar 24, 2015
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      That's what I did. Also started a new account on a diff email addy..... bot-tastic!
    8. Frayman

      Frayman Member Legendary

      Apr 5, 2013
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      well considering the situaton here it might be worth the time. get another account up to where you are on your main and risk that one rather than lose the main account with all the achieves mounts etc.. thats what I'm doing, I may not have my origional toons but I have all the good stuff :D

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