I don't post (Obviously) but I do read. I got thinking. I saw someone had posted that one of his/her accounts got banned and they think it was from their PayPal. I had one of my accounts banned also and it just happened to be the one I used PayPal on. Here is the riddle: Say you have 3 separate IP's (I own a business), 6 different computers and money wasn't an issue. HOW would YOU go about testing theories? I'm thinking, Buy 3, maybe more Accounts, Bot on every one of them, pay for them all using PayPal and different CC's (1 business, 2 or more personal) Make up the exact same toons, run the exact same CC's or whatever to see what if any or even all get banned again just for sh*ts & giggles. Yeah, I have a lot of time on my hands. I couldn't care less if I get banned. Matter of fact, when I found out I had been hit with the Ban Hammer I just giggled and took my kids out for ice cream!