Hi, I have all operational parameters open except a couple higher lvl blacklisted Fates. RB is often not finding the fate even when it's within a 10 second walk. Botbase settings has the Fate listed, but the logging keeps saying No fates within operational parameters. I attached the log, but don't think there's any clues here why it's not finding the fates correctly. This was in Aleport but the problem reoccurs in all maps.
Code: [05:30:36.631 V] Gauging South Tidegate - settings.[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]BlackListedFates[/COLOR][/B].Contains(fate.Name) [05:30:36.631 V] Making Waves - settings.[B][COLOR="#FF0000"]BlackListedFates[/COLOR][/B].Contains(fate.Name) [05:30:36.631 V] Tender Buttons - [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]fate.Progress < settings.BossPercentRequired[/COLOR][/B] [05:30:36.631 N] No fates within operational parameters. The first two are blacklisted and the third's % progress is less than your Fate Bot setting. If you want it to move to a FATE when it spawns (or as soon as someone starts on it besides you), set your % to 0 (to move there automatically) or as close to 0 as possible (to move there as soon as progress has started by another player).
Thank you. I thought the boss percentage setting was disabled, but I should have read more into the logs. Now I know that the log will describe the reason for each fate it doesn't visit.
theres about 6-8 lvl 7-15 fates in jadeite thicket, my bot does maybe 4 of them is there a way to increase parameter that it searches? those are my latest logs and its just going to show you that theres nothing in parameter but in this screenshot you can see that this fate is close to town, and another fate that the bot DOES do and it ignores it. Imgur If you want it to move to a FATE when it spawns (or as soon as someone starts on it besides you), set your % to 0 (to move there automatically) or as close to 0 as possible (to move there as soon as progress has started by another player). what do you mean by this? engage boss fates set that to 0? thats the only setting i see in bot base
Once again... everything is working as intended. I really don't grasp why you have to post that you have a problem when nothing is going wrong. Code: [01:53:19.118 V] Asipatra Attacks [B][COLOR="#FF0000"](Core.Player.ClassLevel + settings.MaxLevel) < fate.Level[/COLOR][/B] [01:53:19.118 V] Something in the Water - [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]fate.Progress < settings.BossPercentRequired[/COLOR][/B] [01:53:19.118 V] Lethe on My Mind - [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Blacklist.Contains(fate.Id, BlacklistFlags.Node)[/COLOR][/B] - We couldn't find a path most likely [01:53:19.118 N] No fates within operational parameters. "(Core.Player.ClassLevel + settings.MaxLevel) < fate.Level" - this means you are too low of a level for this FATE. "fate.Progress < settings.BossPercentRequired" - this means that the FATE has a higher % left than your setting within RB. Change it to 0% and you will move to a FATE that you qualify for as soon as it spawns (Progress: 0%). Conversely, if you set it to 10%, you will not start moving towards that FATE until it's @ Progress: 10%. "Blacklist.Contains(fate.Id, BlacklistFlags.Node)" - this means this FATE has been blacklisted for one reason or another. So, again... I see nothing wrong with what RB is doing based on your settings and zone.
Could someone take a look at these logs and tell me why its not going to all of the fates in northern thalanan, one i know it skips even though its right outside town is "core blimey" [21:15:03.577 V] Core Blimey - KillHandIn - !_goodFates.Contains(fateIconType)
core blimey and reverse engineered are ignored [21:56:49.900 V] Reverse Engineering - KillHandIn - !_goodFates.Contains(fateIconType) [21:56:49.900 N] No fates within operational parameters.
not to be a dick but i never blacklisted the fate that you quoted, i have 2 fates black listed and thats not one of them
I'm not quite sure what "!_goodFates.Contains(fateIconType)" means, unfortunately. My best guess would be that it's because it's a "gather items" FATE? Core Blimey - Gamer Escape's Final Fantasy XIV (FFXIV, FF14) wiki Code: [01:53:19.118 V] Asipatra Attacks (Core.Player.ClassLevel + settings.MaxLevel) < fate.Level [01:53:19.118 V] Something in the Water - fate.Progress < settings.BossPercentRequired [01:53:19.118 V] Lethe on My Mind - Blacklist.Contains(fate.Id, BlacklistFlags.Node) - [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]We couldn't find a path most likely[/COLOR][/B] [01:53:19.118 N] No fates within operational parameters. ^ My guess is that RB itself blacklisted that one.