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  • Gold value going up??

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by tmill, May 31, 2015.

    1. tmill

      tmill New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      I would think 100k bot accounts out of the picture would make gold prices shoot up like they have in the past, but I guess the stock was so huge that it hasn't effected it too much. That and the wow token
    2. Pr0fessional

      Pr0fessional New Member

      Jan 10, 2015
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      Keep in mind it's "supposedly" 100k, and supposedly "bot accounts"
    3. Aion

      Aion Well-Known Member Buddy Store Developer

      Jan 18, 2011
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      Indeed this is not how the gold business operate nowadays because:

      Some of the gold is coming for botters, right, but just small part of them is directly selling to customers, most of their gold is bought by resellers, which take the "margin".

      The majority of the gold-selling is controlled by the Chinese companies, so they "set" the price, depending of their supplies, and the actual demand.

      The Chinese's gold is coming from resellers and from hacking too.
    4. retardman

      retardman New Member

      Oct 20, 2014
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      value of gold is not going up. it is going down.

      it's not because of bots..
      almost all gold stock comes from dupers.

      you can blame the lack of demand on the fact you've got people buying gold legit from Blizzard now, dupers, and also the excitement of a new expansion has died off and less and less people are playing. if they have a sub still i can gaurantee they aren't investing as much time as they were a few months ago.

      so glad I don't bot for gold anymore lol.
    5. pimpampum

      pimpampum Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      Biggest factor when considering gold price is demand.

      Now, there is simply 0 demand. lowest activity in 8 years, logging 1 hour a day gives you over 5k due to the garrison, plus Wow oficially selling gold. Dupes? Those were a thing in the past, yet I don't think there are actual dupes. At least I haven't got any info on them, lol.

      LOL at hacking as one of the main sources of gold selling . This ain't 2006, brother. People no longer fall for stupid phising attempts. When you wrote that I read it as if it was written in blue. :rolleyes:

      If I were to buy gold for my RIP main account, and I'm a long-time multibotter, I would do it through the Wow token. Probably you would too, if you cared about the account. That's the main reason.

      Gold market companies are trying to maintain gold price at a false high value to make even. Many of them are considering switching games. FFXIV is bursting with player activity, is better than wow (that's what everyone I know that plays/played both says) and is more lenient with botting. And they do updates every month-2 months. Not 9 months . Also Diablo 3 activity is up even though is in a content drought, probably soon there will be an announcement of a new expansion.

      PoE, World of Tanks, SWtor, there are many options with a decent gold market. GW2 is gonna launch an expansion soon, and that will bring many players back.

      Too many options to still devote to WoW at this point. Several of the well known-highest repped resellers I know are out of bussiness now, and planning a switch. I've heard the same of the biggest asian companies.

      Blizzard might have been succesful in destroying the 3rd party gold market. But in doing so, they also destroyed a big chunk of their in-game activity and economy. We'll never heard it from them, but they will /are regretting it even now.
      Last edited: May 31, 2015
    6. retardman

      retardman New Member

      Oct 20, 2014
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      still have no idea where anyone mentioned "hacking". i wasn't sure if you were laughing at something i said relating to hacking or someone above me? i don't know because no one mentioned hacking.

      as far as duping goes it 110% exists and if you know how to do it in WoW then you know how to do it in any game. it's a lot easier to succeed with the dupe in other games. you don't know how to dupe because no one in their right mind is going to tell you how to dupe for obvious reasons. that's just something you have to figure out how to do yourself.

      i have friends in china who USED to make a professional living from selling vidya game golds when botting was viable that don't even know how to dupe in WoW and will laugh at me when i bring it up. that's just human nature though lol. it's not something you can just go on a forum and read how to do or watch a video on youtube.

      there's less demand for gold in WoW right now but when it comes right down to it there's not an overwhelming supply of gold either. if you can produce mass amounts of currency without botting or can successfully bot then it's an amazing time to be a gold seller. botting gold is becoming a thing of the past because there's almost 0 ROI and is way unpredictable.

      if you're a casual player and are looking for a way to make some dosh in WoW without getting banned then I suggest finding a duper and befriending them. they will gladly unload mounts or ilvl 706 items on you for almost half their value.
      Last edited: May 31, 2015
    7. pimpampum

      pimpampum Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      For clarification, this is what I was referring to about hacking and "blue" text.

      @Retardman, Well, if anyone in here knew how to succesfully dupe gold or anything, would that person be reading this forum or asking for a Daikiri to an amazing beauty on his yacht?

      having an infinite amount of resource that can be traded, at any given price, for real money, will make anyone a rich man. That's until they get your bones in jail, if they do.
    8. retardman

      retardman New Member

      Oct 20, 2014
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      ah I see.

      & to dupe it's not something you just login, hit a button and poof you have 1 million gold. it takes time and work to perfect the technique of duping.

      you don't have to take my word that duping exists. if you think i'm full of shit just do a little research on high pop realms and try to explain to yourself how a level 1 with 0 achieves on his account has 8 swift tigers / regular tigers / and tiger cubs on the AH *cough* shoutout to Yangbrothers on Sargeras RIP
      Last edited: May 31, 2015
    9. pimpampum

      pimpampum Member

      Nov 29, 2012
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      I don't know, but one can guess. I would hate to bring Ockham's Razor to the table, even when it makes sense. So, I won't.

      There was (still is, I suppose) a strong market for TCG mounts online and offline. There were people who made lots of money reselling those. And , if I had 10 tiger mounts due to cards, considering they apparently don't get bound until you learn it, what would be the issue in creating a low level in a different realm and putting them for sale?

      I might be wrong as I never entered the mount metagame. There was a dupe ( or so I was told) a long time ago, but they handled it. But, considering these people who resell mounts still exists, why wouldn't they set several of them for sale if that's their business?

      Also, I wouldn't trust every dupe scam and fake screenshot out there asking for a small charge on your Credit Card to show you how to dupe. Just saying.
      Last edited: May 31, 2015
    10. IGG

      IGG Member

      Aug 26, 2012
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      Take a look at these beautiful videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/shortstuff910mc/videos
      There are always dupes around IMO, but these things are private. Not like some "private" plugins and profiles :D

      Last time US gold price dropped to like half of EU gold price (a month or 2 ago), maybe there was a gold dupe method, that generated huge amount of gold.

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