Hi guys, i did see a couple of posts regarding this similar question, but would like a present day response . Is it worth starting (mainly for CR use)? is the bot still alive and kicking? i didnt appear to find a ban forum for this bot? does that mean bans are hardly ever reported or is the community of botters so small it does not need a forum? OR is the bot so good that its never been detected? (I have WoW, Diablo and wildstar bots from this site so far, i dont really want to buy the bot like i did with wildstar expecting it to be as operational as the WoW one for instance and be disapointed) Anyways, thanks in advance, any info on its current state would be appreciated.
Everything I've come to expect from the bot has been amazing. The Fatebot is great and the CR as far as I can tell is really well done. I've personally never seen a ban or a post about a ban from using this bot. My personal opinion I would say go for it , It's well worth it.
CR is good for dps classes. Better for physical dps than for casters. RB pretty much never gets banned, SE focuses their efforts on hackers and RMT. As long as you don't do anything tremendously stupid and get reported by half the server, you'll be fine.
I did post a thread about me getting a suspension, but since then I've deleted the character and started fresh on it again. Wasn't a ban, but only a 3 day suspension. But yeah I don't see why now isn't a good time to start. Go for it!