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  • Bot testing - How do we get banned?

    Discussion in 'Discussions (no Ban Reports here)' started by LockNLoad, Jun 1, 2015.

    1. LockNLoad

      LockNLoad New Member

      Sep 16, 2014
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      Hello guys!

      Here's the deal... I have a single account and I think I'd die if I lose it... I never used it much or for many hours, just to do some boring tasks, like farming mats or archaeology.
      So I've been reading the forums searching people's opinions/experience with botting after the ban-wave, to see if it's "safe" to use HB again.

      I could notice a lot of people complaining about getting banned are from EU realms apparently "heavily watched" by GMs.
      Also, it seems that Blizz is not actually detecting HB, but people/GMs are noticing bot's behaviour and reporting it.
      So I'm wondering, people who got banned, are from EU or US server? Did they get banned because a GM or another player spotted then? Did they bot for long hours?

      I started a new account today (a free one). I play in a Brazilian(considered US) realm, and I must say I never saw a GM online... like EVER!
      Been botting for 3h or 4h in the afternoon, leveling a new toon using kick's profile. So far, I'm "safe".
      Will keep botting to test this theory. Update later.

      Till then, let me know what you guys think/see around!
    2. eStaKooZa

      eStaKooZa Member

      Aug 15, 2012
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      as all bossland says:
      don't bot on account you don't want to risk losing ...

      my experience + my advise:

      been botting for years since cata, i never been caught .. why?
      simple: i don't farm / sell / trade ... i always supervise the bot / as i use combat routines ... meaning: im just moving my char and it's doing my rotation...

      advise: don't bot for too long, coz that will rise more complaints + red flag for gms.. usually i bot for 5 hours ...
      avoid using lvling profiles, coz i saw many ppl getting banned using those profiles ... i've been reading the ban section daily and that's the most i noticed, it's questing profiles mostly ...

      still im not a developer, neither a bossland team... but i've been watching things very closely and that's what i "think" is happening
    3. LockNLoad

      LockNLoad New Member

      Sep 16, 2014
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      That's my point Estakooza... If Blizz really is detecting HB, then even if you bot for 30min you will get banned.
      If you are a "regular" botter and weren't caught, I suppose they're watching behaviour, not your programs.

      I used to bot on that single account but a lot like you: only 3h or 4h tops, always supervising. And when I say "farm", I mean gathering mining or herbs, but just the amount I needed to level professions, or craft something I need, which never took me more than 2h.
      I used it for CR also, but that was rare, just with a couple alts I didn't like to play much, but needed for something else.

      BUT when the ban wave came, I hadn't been using HB for 1 or 2 months, so I got a bit scared and haven't used it since then.

      Again, my point is: if they're detecting HB running in the background, if I turn it on for 2min, I'll get banned anyway.
      BUT, if they're watching behaviour, I should be able to bot as I always did, cause it wouldn't be unusual behaviour or anything.
    4. V1R4G3

      V1R4G3 New Member

      Jan 30, 2013
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      There is absolutely zero proof of this.

      I'll do you one better: Reading the ban reports, absolutely everyone was using HonorBuddy. So, don't use it if you want to make sure you don't banned.
    5. eStaKooZa

      eStaKooZa Member

      Aug 15, 2012
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      bitch please, read the first 2 lines of my previous reply, and the last 2 lines, then quote me :p
    6. eStaKooZa

      eStaKooZa Member

      Aug 15, 2012
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      like i said im not full on details, i just watch the ban section like a hawk and keep reading all posts and reports in the ban section to speculate what i think is happening.
      beside, when i said i was never been caught, i meant for over the last 4 years. BUT ! I was caught only once, which is in the ban for 6 months...

      since the blizztard GMs are confirming in their bans that the reason for the new bans is "unapproved third party program" this means they are 100% sure you're using honorbuddy, BUT! i "don't think" they know it automatically, unless some1 report you or a gm is checking your logs randomly...

      """"""""""""" it's really hard for ppl like me and u to know what's in the backstage """"""""""""""""
      """"""""""""" i think only blizzard staff knows & bossland developers have more insider on how things are done... so like all bossland team says: don't use bot on your account if you care for it """""""""""""
      Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
    7. eStaKooZa

      eStaKooZa Member

      Aug 15, 2012
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      Last edited: Jun 3, 2015

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