came up with a quick fix for Ruin.. all abilities seem to be firing fine and as per how they should be in the code Code: if (Ultima.UltSettings.SmartTarget) { if (await RagingStrikes()) return true; if (await BioII()) return true; if (await Miasma()) return true; if (await Bio()) return true; if (await MiasmaII()) return true; if (await Aetherflow()) return true; if (await EnergyDrain()) return true; if (await Contagion()) return true; if (await Bane()) return true; if (await Fester()) return true; if (await ShadowFlare()) return true; if (await Rouse()) return true; if (await Spur()) return true; if (await Enkindle()) return true; if (await Ruin()) return true; if (await RuinII()) return true; return await AerialSlash(); } working fine for pre 50 with this
It should be fixed in the new version (should be, no testers yet). I had a couple errors in RuinII and I forgot to update ShadowFlare to match the new code design. Let me know how it does for you.
you're lucky... my toon was 1 fate away from level 50 when i saw this Yeah that seems to have fixed it, dpsing like a boss, like wow.... doing 130 dps on level 50 training dummy now to go finish last fate and have everything at level 50
Good to hear! Thanks for the test. Kinda. It will do their DPS rotations (so you can level/grind with them) but not actual Heal/Tank logic (healing others, taunting for others, etc.). It's in the works though (I'm trying to lay the groundwork now before I get buried in work for the expansion soon). The healing logic isn't too complicated (but we still don't have a perfect healing formula figured out yet), but tanking is tough until we find a way for RB to see Emnity. I might put in some basic logic soon (like "taunt if targeting another party member" or etc.) but it's tough to design the rotations without Emnity (like to know when/how many Butcher Block combos to do to maintain aggro, for now all we can do is be reactive instead of being proactive).
hey guys started running atma profile for my relic weapon, and i have noticed that if my summoner syncs to anything lower than 30 it does not cast a pet, because at lvl 30 we get the ifriti, i have other pets selected under arcanist, but is there a way to get the summoner to summon the carbuncles for when its synced under 30? and cant summon the ifrit's
So, I've been using ultima on my rogue for fate grinding and only with rogue he'll spaz out and try and constantly run through the mob which causes my char to look like he's having a seizure and I'm fairly sure people will report me for being a bot. Any idea how to fix it? update: So I switched from smart target to single target and my char stopped acting like he was having a seizure while using Fate Bot. Maybe it's something having to do with smart target while using rogue.
Hey guys, please remember that ANY time you are referencing bot/CR behaviors you need to attach a full log (not a snippet or copy/paste). This is absolutely the fastest and most reliable way to get your questions answered definitively. Without posting a log, you risk having the post ignored or deleted. (I've never seen this happen but it's in the rules lol) This info can be found here:
Anychance of adding a option to disable movement, i was in a pvp match and whent my target was Line of sighting me it was trying to run through a wall to get in range.
Most of us have read through the thread. It's people such as yourself that ask the dumb questions cause they're too lazy to look. <shrugs> Not gonna spoon feed you.
it actually says on the first page that not all cross class abilities are included yet. you would assume that if you cannot select it, it's not working.
58 pages? How about just reading the first damn post??? Let me quote it for you and modify it so that the important part sticks out a little more
As a Bard there should be an option to delay Blood for Blood until hawks eye and barrage is ready again. this will increase the damage amount a bit. would be pretty nice!
Thnak you again ~ I am using Fate Bot~ but it still not working~ My class is PLD Can u do a test for this or see the code if something wrong with it ? Thank You so much again