Many people left the game after the massive ban wave but I can only imagine how many people went out and bought brand new WoD accounts. They are going to continue to ban the use of Honorbuddy so it puzzles me as to why many people are buying new accounts that are just going to be banned anyway.
If you earn more on the account before it gets banned than what it originally cost, then why not keep buying?
If you run a business and you make money, but because of your business other people are making money too, do you care? If you do, then I direct you to the gif above.
I lol'd when HB came back up after the banwave. New toons everywhere. Beginner's quests were ridiculous to get through...
A lot of us aren't children and know its our fault we got banned and not blizz's. And why the hell do you care how we spend our own money? Does my spending habits affect you?
Thats very simple for the profit. Unlike some I sell gold and gear and make some income on the side of my actual job while blizzard may of frozen 6 of my 13 accounts they would have to ban a TON more to ever catch up to the amount of cash they've made me by providing the perfect medium for me to make money on. Eventually all botting accounts get banned but if you move enough product before that happens then you've already came out ahead of the game and will always continue to do so. The ban wave set me back like the down time of HB + like 1.5 days to relevel toons(Dungeons(15-100) kicks 1-15) to do what i needed then gear them decently to generate gold/products.
If you have a job and dont throw away your money, you´ll have some money to throw away. And if you make profit with hb and wow all you need is to get past ROI.