Hi all. As title says.... Witch race do you prefer for botting? It doesn't do mutch of a difference, but there is some beneficial racial spell's. Witch do you prefer? WW
Regarding racials ...and PvP of course, the recommended races are: - for horde --> Undead (Will of the Forsaken); and - for Alliance --> Human (Every Man for Himself). Racials share cooldown with PvP trinket, ... but one more slot for another trinket. And if U dont care about PvP, in PvE choose the race that U like to see its behind for a long long time...hehehe. (Blood Elf and Dranei Female for me!!!)
Prefer goblins due to racial vendors discount, running mostly professions accs. Also they small, lower chance stuck somewhere compare to taurens f.e.
Gnomes. They are small, they are cute (females) and they are the ally race which does the tech stuff like automations.