Seeing as the bot is pretty shit, and it just pushing the lane, I was wondering if 4 other people would want to try to do 5 man bot games against AI and just pick a full push line up, if the bot actually just pushes the lane with a 5man push line up it might actually work. if anyone is interested PM me I will contact you guys back once I have 5 man.
The bot is so ...SO lame, that U even cannot choose the lane to push to. It just move around, and push the lane only when you have minions and retreat when there are not. As a fun story, the bot retreat from enemy core when the core had only 19% and no enemy around. And it retreats because no minions. Respectively, with 5 accounts and 5 Stormbuddy licences, U will have chaos on all three lanes, and you will lose with far less exp than with an AI team on your side. PS:I dont even comprehend how Bossland can clame that the bot SUPPORT any of the maps when the only thing it does is intermitently push the lanes.
TBH its better then what the bot is doing when you solo que even against bots it struggles. when you have a 5 man push team against AI it might actually work seeing as the blizzard AI doesn't respond to the push when objectives are up.
Might as well just queue for QM and run a script that pretends to disconnect/reconnect or just generally afk. at least that way you'll get reported for afk and not botting.
The game kick you automaticaly after 30 sec. of AFK... I know because sometimes the bot stuck and I go afk.