Hi I purchased a 3 day BuddyWing to try it out before I purchase it and it keeps on crashing and shutting down my SWTOR client? I dont understand I also have HonorBuddy for WOW and I can have it going for days and it never crashes. Now Im wondering whats wrong can I fix it ? or just don't buy it? Any help to fix it would be great as I woul like to purshase it but if it someting that will keep on crashing every 30 min I will not buy it unfortunately. Thanks.
That looks really weird, is that a recent SWTOR install? The log indicates there's something fishy going on with the game's memory, or at least the objects in the game.
Its been installed for a while now and its been updated not too long ago after my WOW account got 6 mth banned, what do you mean something fishy? What can i do? Thanks.
I noticed you crashed when trying to use/interact with the Jiguuna speeder. That does seem to be an issue a lot of us are experiencing. What does seem to help is to change the priority of the SWTOR process to high or real time. IOW right click on taskbar - go to the SWTOR processes. There will be 2. Change the smaller one to real time or HIGH, and the bigger one to below normal. Basically, what seems to be happening in a nutshell is that if we have too many background processes running, they tend to kick the TOR and BW threads off the cores, resulting in a crash. Try and boot into a clean environment when you want to use the bot, and change the Priority of the SWTOR processes and see if it makes a difference?