Hey guys. Been looking through the ban forums, most of the bans that are coming up are 'afk' or 'farming' related. has anyone had a ban since the wave from using CR only? and when i say CR only i mean literally 0% use in any farming/leveling profiles. I would like to start using HB again because ive got an itch that only HB can scratch.. but i'm a puss puss who is scared haha. Thanks in advance
If HB is or gets detected again.. like it was the last ban wave... It WILL NOT matter what you where doing on HB.. That's what software detection is.. There is like 1% chance you could get busted for CR only botting via any other method apart from software detection. At the moment, the bot appears to be safe and undetected, however we don't know if blizzard are just sitting back waiting for people to use more of there gold tokens up and ban us all again.. If you account means anything to you and you don't want to loose it, don't you bots/hacks on it.. regardless of HB or not.
I haven't noticed any abnormal ban reports from personal experience or from my users which use a wide-array of the bot's functions. I've also leveled several characters from one to hundred without stops via Kickz and they're fine. I doubt a combat routine would be any worse unless you're using it to grind mobs as a generic grind profile would.
Cool, leveling with kicks is using Questbot- Nothing to do with CR only botbases such as lazyraider/enyo/raidbot. Grinding mobs would be using a grindbot/questbot - Nothing do with CR only botbase. Im not sure why you posted what you did ?
I posted what I did to make a contrast for comparison, if you'll note the last thing I wrote is "I doubt a combat routine would be any worse.." to finalize the comparison in subject. It's a method writing to hopefully invoke psychological consideration that should ultimately make the user believe that there's a sense of security and that a ban is very unlikely while using just a combat routine given that Questing is making use of a combat routine plus more. It's a lot more effective than just offering a more generic resonse such as "yea, it's safe" as most others would do. Sorry for the confusion.
appreciate the response guys, i did mean literaly if i used enyo or somthing similar with some of my millz/healing routines, i have never used anything other than CR's in the past. I do understand the risk, but now there is a risk that blizz does detect it and is just gathering logs for another banwave i might just sit back and get stressed playing manually as a healer in a guild that loves to stand in fire xD Thanks guys!