is it just me or are we Mages dying like nothing. We dont have any cc when multiple targets? We cant use anyone of our new spells? We use /castsequence reset=target Cone of Cold, Ice Lance, Frostbolt, Frostbolt, Ice Lance, Frostbolt, Cone of Cold, Ice Lance, Frostbolt, Frostbolt, Ice Lance, Frostbolt Anyone that manage to get a mage setup with macros thats working great whit more than one two adds? Pet isent tanking anything atm and caster gets agro all the time and gets killed. lets have some discussion how we can improve
Are you talking about GatherBuddy Macros, or are you referring to HonorBuddy? I know Amplify, in its current version, is great for Frost and Arcane mages, but doesn't support Fire (at least to my knowledge). CodenameG said in one of his posts that he will be adding fire some time in the future. Fpswawre's Mage CC also is nice, and in my opinion supports fire, but to others is only limited in its fire support. If you mean this towards GatherBuddy, then I can't honestly help there. These types of things are done by the community and also by Tony from what I've seen.
Looking at the macro he posted I'm pretty sure he means GatherBuddy (Plus the fact this is the GatherBuddy section) my mage is 82 and farming in Uldum, it's full in quest greenies and seems to kill most mobs with about 10-20% HP left, can't handle adds. Using the same macro's just hoping it will get better at 83-84 Compared to Honorbuddy, GatherBuddy's combat looks like something a 12 year old could make with Auto-it which is really a shame because when not fighting the bot performs great
At least you're lasting with two adds. I'm monitoring my mage while I farm, ilvl 342, and a single add will drop him.
It seems like as the GBs get updated, my mage gets owned more.. a few releases back he would be just fine, and as they "tweak" the combat system it gets shittier.. my mage got 80-85 in hyjal and he seems to die a lot more this latest release.. considering going arcane blast and having him spam arcane blasts for main damage lol
Twilight Highlands is just rough for toons driven by GB. I've got an 85 feral druid in questing blues & greens, and a mob plus one add is guaranteed death for her, also. This has been true for all the GB releases, so I don't think is just a 'recent GB release' issue. Its a 'they do a lot of damage' issue. cheers, chinajade
I dropped about 1500 on new gear for my mage, and set 6 to water elemental, 7 to ice barrier, and 8 to icebolt. I can kill mobs in about 10 seconds, and can take 3 at a time max.
For better survivability the macro's mentioned here on the forum, could be using some tweaks: 1: Mirror Image as long as they are present your clothies wont take any damage 100% Treat reduction 2: Mana Shield almost as powerful as Ice Barrier running in frost spec 3: Icy Veins 20 sec of 20% increased casting time & a 100% reduction in pushback from attacks. Thats alot of survivability in a starting sequence. unfortunately im no good at macros at all.
could anyone tell me how I apply these macros step by step when I setup my gatherbuddy? because I dont understand at all.
Im at work, but when i get home I'll post what I use, I can do 4 adds in vashj'ir... I wouldnt put a clothy anywhere else. Also, never use frost nova, too dangerous
Definitely not, this is my last break. I'm done at 7pm Central Mountain Time. I'm also going to be looking into a Fire Spec for Dungeons/Heroics Only (Not leveling). This would be amazing amirite? Oh and it'll be at least a week before you see anything on this, gotta work all weekend, and go pick up my new car sometime this coming week. YES
Ok here we go! I'll also be putting this in the Mage Macro's Forums... Button 6: "/castsequence reset=combat Flame Orb, Mirror Image, Summon Water Elemental" Button 7: "/castsequence reset=combat Ice Barrier, Icy Veins, Cold Snap, Time Warp" Button 8: "/castsequence reset=target Fire Blast, Frostbolt, Frostbolt, Frostbolt, Frostfire Bolt, Frostbolt, Frostbolt, Mana Shield" All are set up so that the one with the least amount of cooldown time comes first, that way it doesnt get stuck trying to cast one with 1 minute left, when all the others are still ready. And also, Ice Lance to me is worthless, Frostbolt still gets the Fingers of Frost perk, and the Frostfire bolt is in there for the Brain Freeze proc, even if you dont have it it'll do damage Mana Shield is at the end, because if you are still in combat by that time, you'll need the shield. Hope you guys enjoy it!
I'm sure it'll work great. I'm thinking that if you are going to be in anything other than Vashj'ir you should put the Button 8 macro to reset=combat, so that the Mana Shield will go off even if it switches to a new add.