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  • Guys have some respect. Please no more BS threads or replies.

    Discussion in 'Honorbuddy Forum' started by Whatsmacroing, Jun 27, 2015.

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    1. Whatsmacroing

      Whatsmacroing Banned

      Jul 20, 2014
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      Those are 2 quotes, 1 from the lead developer and 1 from a forum mod.
      C'mon people. The devs and staff have lives too. Can't people go like 2-ish days without botting? Your life isn't going to end, your accounts aren't going to get banned if they aren't botting. Just chill. All the crap complaining and shit throwing I am seeing is actually kinda breaking my heart. At least it definitely would be if I was the one doing the dev work for some of the selfish entitled pricks we have on the forums here.

      HonorBuddy isn't dead. The devs are still working on it.

      Have some respect guys. No more troll replies, no more stupid troll threads. Let's show some respect and decency yeah? I know this is the internet but this forum isn't 4chan or 9gag. People need to stop behaving like it is.

      Yes we all pay to use Honorbuddy, yes we all deserve to know what is going on. But if you actually look the devs give updates every couple hours as to what is going on. A release will come and you won't get insta-banned. We all know that a lot of people don't care and they just want to play, but the majority of us don't want a rushed release and then an insta-ban. That's not what I agreed when I paid for this bot, I expected that they would take my privacy and security with the utmost of importance.

      So just chill. Take a day off. Go outside. Play legit. You all have a right to complain but the devs also have a right to some respect for their awesome work and dedication. HB is the most tried and tested bot for WoW there is.

      Yes it's fun to troll a bit and stir the pot and call people names and laugh at stupid people, but the forums have really turned to crap in the last few days. This is worse than some of the chans and even the old barrens chat. Let's show some respect and some humanity yeah?

      No more dumb threads. No more raging troll replies. Let bygones be bygones and let's all just sit back, discuss some actual constructive stuff like bugs that need to be fixed, or new patch content etc. Before you know it you'll be back to botting in no time and you'll be able to rest easy knowing that no corners were cut and that Bossland isn't going to be responsible for you being any more likely on getting banned because they rushed a release or cut corners.

      Here's an olive branch. Giving an olive branch is an old display of 'peace' from one person to another.


      So take it, and a deep breath and lets keep the trolling and garbage threads and replies down to a minimum. Everyone had a chance and a turn to behave badly. I think if it goes on any longer there's going to be a string of bans and warns.

      P.S. To make it really clear, Bossland has done releases of Honorbuddy on weekends, so it COULD be possible that we get a release tomorrow. I don't know, I am just another member like you. But it IS possible and it has happened more than once. So just chill. A release could be just an hour away. You definitely won't make it come any faster by complaining about it, actually the opposite is true in fact.
      Last edited: Jun 27, 2015
    2. TheRedHand

      TheRedHand Banned

      May 18, 2015
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      om nom nom

    3. Rodigas

      Rodigas New Member

      Dec 20, 2013
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      I guess You also believe all the bullshit the news and polititians feed you with every day ?

      Using "security" is the no 1 favorite bad excuse to explain almost everything these days, from politicians to bullshit by stewards on airplanes to elections. WHats next after "security" ? going to use the "terror" or "think of the children !" trumph card also ?

      Stop bellitling our intelligence and think for yourself.

      There WAS a banwave and Bossland admitted they basically have no clue what happened.
      IF Blizzard want to detect HB again they WILL do it, end of discussion.

      Now delaying HB for days will in no way or shape change your risk or no risk for getting banned.

      You can keep on deluding yourself that if the update takes 1 day longer you wil be ohhhh so much safer. Reality is nothing like that.

      Stop treating coders like magic Gods, people have the same ridiculous worshipping of Blizzard coders. Im a coder myself and in this business we laugh when the kiddies defend or adolize MMO or related coders.

      We are normal people like everyone else.

      Coding is not that hard or some "magic" discipline, in fact its very error prone and bug ridden because of the bad enginerial disipline in coding for historical reasons, hence the big number of internet related hacks lately which will only become worse until this line of business becomes vastly more professional and disciplined about our work.

      Also the quotes you do above from the developers only came out AFTER i wrote another post to tell them to just be HONEST about it instead of using the "security" card.

      Again to make it CRYSTAL CLEAR. BE HONEST AND OPEN AND COMMUNICATIVE ABOUT it, and dont use these BS excuses just be HONEST, thats all.

      Another thing which i know is the sore spot in Bossland. The reasoning and hundreds of closed threads about why they wont do an x64 client before Blizzard remove the 32-bit wow client is again because its more complicated to program in 64-bit and gives some challenges on the compiled code, but its far from impossible, just some more work by the developers

      In fact in most coding jobs today You must demonstrate 64-bit coding skills.

      Here is the bomb, ready ? It would also ENHANCE the security of the HB bot if it was 64-bit, but requieres some more work by the developers and move on from their 15 year old C+ libraries and coding skills. As already suggested they should make a HB2 (new legal contract with customers hence) that is 64-bit and with more features and ledt the old HB die slowly.

      There really is ZERO excuse not to make a 64-bit client.
      Last edited: Jun 27, 2015
    4. ThatOneDude

      ThatOneDude Banned

      Jun 29, 2014
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      I'm really drunk atm, but i wanted to say this.

      I genuinely think that there is no magical new way for them to detect, i think that they just finally enacted upon months of observation to see who may be a botter and who isn't and finally banned the accounts, why ?

      I think it's obvious they wanted to make an announcement that said "for the forseeable future we have prevented botting and banned accounts guilty of it", basically a proverbial slapping of the hands and being done with it, a new slate.

      ill recheck this in the morning for terrible typing errors because i had way too much vodka.

      Also, I think people on the forums for way too long have been way to oopen about their botting activities and details pertaining to what they've done, they're making it easy for Blizzard.
    5. umshakalaka

      umshakalaka Member

      Jan 10, 2011
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      Jesus Christ why would you even make thread like this? can't you see you're only taunting people with that dumb ass kissing? I managed to keep quiet until now, but god damn it...
      Also guess what, I didn't had vacation in 3 years, but the question is - who the hell cares? You got product or service that is meant to be used 24/7 whole year round then you need to have people who provide that service 24/7 whole year round. Don't make dumb excuses, botting is a big business, not only for developers, there's tons and tons people botting for profit, and either you want to acknowledge it or not, that's exactly where most subs comes from, not form casuals who got 1 or 3 sessions, but from people who do it for living with more sessions than you could even imagine.

      There is no place for excuses in business, if you're serious about what you're doing then at tops you can give the reason why something is not working, but you do not make an excuse out of that, otherwise you lose all credibility and thus lose your business, you say sorry and get back to work your ass off till it's fixed reassuring your customers that you will do your best and you will do it as fast as possible.

      That begin said, turn the kiss-ass off and stop taunting people, because what you're doing brings exact opposite effect to what you think you're doing, my brown-nosed friend.
      Last edited: Jun 27, 2015
    6. marthsk

      marthsk Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      Calls to end bullshit threads
      Thread becomes a bullshit thread

      Well played, OP.
    7. dmann1986

      dmann1986 New Member

      Jan 15, 2010
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      You know what...If I was one of these Devs reading all these entitled pricks bullshit...Id simply say fuck the whole lot of you and if you want the bot so bad, best quick to get to learning Code, here's the core files where I left off from, and you entitled bastards finish it yourselves....either that or quit your bitching and wait. DONE
      Whatsmacroing likes this.
    8. marthsk

      marthsk Member

      Sep 6, 2012
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      If you'd be making as much money as they make off the product, no... you wouldn't. As a matter of fact, that would be the least of your worries.

      Oh, and stop thinking you're above the "entitled pricks" label. All I've seen you do is pick fights here and there on the forums, one of which was with me, without any kind of provocation whatsoever.
    9. shiver

      shiver Member

      Jun 14, 2013
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      Exactly what he/she said. I mean while I fully understand that they are not machines and this is not their real job, nonetheless, this does not relieve them of their responsibilities towards their customers. They started a business and we paid. So they're obligated to provide service to their customers. No one forced anyone to do anything they didn't want to do in the first place. Such things come with responsibilities, whether you wanna accept it or not.
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