From your experience how long do gathering bots (Herbing & Mining) last now on average? Would be nice if you could give figures for Botting 12 hours a day:- Average days until banned = ??? Botting 24 hours a day:- Average days until banned = ??? The last time I used gathering bots was quite a while ago due to dungeon farming being the most successful and profitable but I am thinking of setting up some gathering accounts, was just curious what your results and experiences are so I can make rough estimates and also some guided decisions. Yes I am aware that different profiles, zones and a lot of other factors play a big part in bans and account survival rates so the answers will vary. I am only looking for some rough estimate figures.
i used to bot for hours in Cata and MoP. HOURS. Leaving the bot on while i'd go to work. Leave it to log off after 5 hours. I would do this for about 4 or 5 days. Sell 80% of the herbs and ore, the rest would go in GB. Would hold off for maybe 2 weeks, then go again. My first and only ban came with the May ban wave.