Most to least desired: Set zones for each level; automatic teleporting based on your current level. I plan to do some xp comparison tests soon. Automated repair at <5% durability. Gear autoequip. Grind mobs during downtime. Eat food. Allocate stat points.
Integrated into the bot, a plugin, what have you - the source is irrelevant as long as it's kept up to date and improves quality of use.
In that case all of these things already exist. 1 - Fate/Stay Teleport 2 - RePair 3- Agil (i think) 4 - Patrol 5 - GourmetGuy
I haven't tried out all of those but repair/agil is out of date as far as I know. The main point I'm trying to make is it'd be nice to have official support for features that are beneficial to the community and not overly difficult to maintain instead of relaying on the hope that community devs keep it up to date and checking the forums repeatedly. Even if such support were attached to a few dollar monthly sub fee I think many would pay the premium.
Would 2nd this. If there are no devs that share their plugins, bot would only have basic features with basic rotations. An upgrade to the bot would be awesome
Understandable but with a downside Unfortunately, 17 years ago I decided to go on the wrong side of the IT industry, networking and security. I'm not a developer, but I've worked closely with them for some years. Those features natively supported in the bot would be amazing, but I could see some downsides to it. Rebornbuddy has a quick turnaround for patches; I'm pretty surprised. He does a nice quick job. In my experience, honorbuddy and wowglider were both down for a longer amount of time, with more developers for the core application. The more features he adds natively to the bot, the longer the downtime will be between patches. The more complex a system is the more areas in which it can break.
Personally, I'd like to see a minimum percent slider for non boss fates, as well as a maximum percent where you can run off to the next fate if any.
They might need to look into this now that these will be not in the RB forums for update and when they are found they can't be linked if free, or told what page for paid.
I feel like it will have to come to this. Especially because I want to pay for a bot; not pay for a bot and then pay for every single plugin or addon I choose to use. People will stop buying this bot and just move to another one if that happens.
You are welcome to pay for the bot and only the bot. But look at what you'll get if you only got what came with the bot. The reason most people have come to or stayed with this bot is because of the additions that the community has provided, not what Mastahg has supplied you with. Can you honestly say that Kupo fits all of your combat needs? Other than FateBot which actually runs stuff for you, what would this bot be without the additions the community has provided? How many profiles would there be to do anything with? Even the "official" questing pack wasn't done by Mastahg. And the way he treated the dev that did it has made him move his Heavensward stuff to another site. I understand that people want to only pay for the bot and not for everything else you want to do with it. Just don't complain when the bot doesn't do anything you want because Mastahg hasn't provided it for you.
And its not the fact that I don't want to support the people who make addons or plugins. I just think that if I buy a product; it should have the best features and everything already added in. If not at first, at least working towards it.