You know that you bot to much when you can't play your class anymore and raiding day comes up and bot isn't working because of patch then you have to give you guild a excuse like oh my game isn't updating so you will have to find a sub for today.
This would be your first raid and you don't even know how to play the game. Time to re-evaluate your life.
Most of the classes are fairly easy to play without the bot and in some cases, can be played better. However, there are other options out there to avoid these situations. Plan accordingly for every Tuesday.
hahahahahahahahaha im laughing so hard at this retard right now lol. l2p at least 1 class yo ffs, im arena master on 2 classes legit, and i script bc its mindless. but for real lol u just killed it. thanks for that
I love how people take everything out of proportion this is not my first raid and I do know how to play my classes but I just hit 100 a week ago on this character because my guild needs it so I haven't had time to practice the class enough to be ready to do mythic raids and I'm pretty sure no one would want someone that has only played that one class for a week to do raids with them I would love to do the raid on one of my 6 classes that I know how to play good but they need this one class. And Triaddude there is no reason to call someone over the internet a retard and omen I probably have my life more sorted out than you do.