Help us help the entire Log file or don't post at all. The snippet you've posted does NOTHING for us to try and help you.
Code: [15:38:15.771 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]MoveToTag[/COLOR][/B]: LineNumber: 1865, XYZ: <305.4703, -36.325, 351.7662>, [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Name: Ahldfoet[/COLOR][/B], Distance: 3, UseMesh: True, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, . [15:38:15.771 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 629c1ec5-4077-418b-a326-14f490397360 [15:38:15.780 D] Requesting path on 130 from <-95.36563, 4, -109.7145> to <305.4703, -36.325, 351.7662> [15:38:16.448 D] [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]No viable path from <-95.36563, 4, -109.7145> to <305.4703, -36.325, 351.7662>[/COLOR][/B] in 00:00:00.6673536 ms 1) Next time, please post this in the topic of the profile you're trying to use. 2) "No viable path" warnings typically mean you are in the wrong zone. 3) Manually move to Western La Noscea and try again.
sorry thank you i have 1 question profile botany and a mining how to use this profile and does it mean
You can find information on Botany and Mining here: If you want to run gathering profiles, they are typically used with Order Bot.
Please post a full log that you can find in your "Logs" folder. Make sure you choose the correct log file with the issue you're encountering. You can find a guide in my signature below. ---v
Each step of that profile is not coded to determine what zone you are in and then teleport you to a new one. So if you stop the bot in the middle of a quest and go do something else until you feel like running the bot again, it won't work correctly if you are not in the zone that quest uses. So your next course of action is you opening up the quest in game and finding out what zone/map you are suppose to do the next quest step in. Then manually get yourself there. If you want to be super safe plop your character right on top of where you need to be to continue, then start the bot. All I've done is reword what Y2krazy said from a bulleted list into an incomprehensible wall of text.
Code: [16:35:17.637 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Current behavior changed to [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]MoveToTag[/COLOR][/B]: LineNumber: 2691, XYZ: <-389.6392, -56.14586, 92.39331>, [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]Name: Caitlyn[/COLOR][/B], Distance: 3, UseMesh: True, IsDone: False, HighPriority: False, InCombat: False, QuestId: 0, StepId: 0, PostCombatDelay: 0, QuestName: null, IsDoneCache: False, Behavior: TreeSharp.PrioritySelector, . [16:35:17.637 D] Replaced hook [ProfileOrderBehavior_Hook] 1d0dcb0e-5bc4-4d92-a81d-5c1320603d96 [16:35:17.638 D] Requesting path on 140 from <62.95413, 45, -222.0601> to <-389.6392, -56.14586, 92.39331> [16:35:17.953 D] [B][COLOR="#FF0000"]No viable path from <62.95413, 45, -222.0601> to <-389.6392, -56.14586, 92.39331>[/COLOR][/B] in 00:00:00.3154165 ms Move to Eastern Thanalan and try again.
log yesterday View attachment 5632 2015-07-08 22.34.txt log today View attachment 6684 2015-07-09 09.42.txt
I believe the issue is with the zone itself and not the profile at this point. Please post your navigation issue here: