Good Morning, Afternoon, or Evening depending where you are. I am officially releasing my private profiles for Pathrunner & Voidtalon in SMV. One strictly farms Voidtalon and the other combines two profiles into one for a SUPER MEGA farming route. These profiles will need to be used with Questbuddy and Rare Killer v5. You will need to talk to Rarekiller1 to receive it: The original Pathrunner waypoints are thanks to Gatherit, modified by me to include Voidtalon so you hit two mounts during one pass increasing your odds of finding a mount and less likely you will get banned for farming a LARGE area. I release this for a community that helps one another and out of the kindness of their own hearts. All I simply ask from you is to donate what you can by clicking If people are interested in maps or routes please let me know and I will do as I can. ENJOY! -WoG- View attachment [QB][SMV]Voidtalon Mount- By WrathofGod.xml View attachment [QB][SMV]Pathrunner & Voidtalon Mounts- By WrathofGod .xml
Adamyo23, Pathrunner will be killed because it's listed in the mob ids, but the voidtalon portion is handled through Rarekiller. So yes and no :/
Iwe sorry to hear that. Take a look at this forum and message Rarekiller1 for info.