Hi there, I just tried to do Shadowfang Keep with Dungeonbuddy, however it wont work. Uploaded the log to my dropbox. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5ynwi8g34fhfo55/7100%202015-07-30%2002.30.txt?dl=0
if you would, please post a full log as an attachment so we can see whats going on. http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/honorbuddy-guides/35945-guide-how-attach-your-log.html
00:30:38.512 D] [DungeonBuddy-DEBUG]: [CanQueue: True] hasDeserter: False, hasDungeonCooldown: False, hasQueuePermissions: True [00:30:38.522 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: No vaild dungeons are selected check your dungeonbuddy settings. you haven't set it to queue for ones your eligible for.
I can't. My character is level 100, therefore queueing up is not possible. I want to farm the instance myself for stuff I can disenchant. I went into the bot settings and choosed show all and marked "shadowfang keep".
As a level 100 do you not need a profile to walk you into the dungeon since you cant use the dungeon finder for lower level dungeons?
In the dungeon list you can select what dungeons that Dungeon buddy is allowed to queue for by putting a check next to the ones you want it to queue for while in while the Type is set to Specific Dungeon. Type – Allows you to set what Type or Way you’re going to run dungeons o None – No Dungeon Queuing will be performed. o Farm – Allows you to farm dungeons without queuing for them, (IE Running into the instance) again, you need to change your dungeonbuddy settings. the honorbuddy manual page 27 https://bosslandgmbh.zendesk.com/entries/26043852-Honorbuddy-Manual-EN-
Thanks G. Just did a clean install, before I saw your last post. It's working now though. Thanks again.