i keep seeing poeple are still botting some say on beta eb, but normal one not working for 2 days for me, is there a link to the beta to download or what am i doing wrong. keep getting client version unsupported.
https://www.thebuddyforum.com/exilebuddy-forum/221301-exilebuddy-release-thread-awakening-2-0-0-a.html Scroll down to the end of first post where it said DOWNLOAD. Click on beta.
did you put it in a new folder and rename the exe to something else? I am running great since the release a few days ago. Only 1 downtime when POE updated yesterday. Been botting since this morning.
yes its in a fresh fold, just extracted, renamed folder and file, ran as admin, went threw the 4 promps, then error not supported, saw somewhere where it says they might not autoupdate, not sure if a manual way to push client to update.
btw guys. GGG pushed an update about 15 minutes ago maybe more. we are now on 2.0.0i maybe thats the problem. and tomorrow comes 2.0.1 out
is there a way to keep eb open even when it cant connect to client do to version instead of autoclosing to atleast mess with settings.
Bot was running fine for me, then my game crashed and after I reloaded it's saying that my client version is unsupported. Tried redownloading the bot (changed the folder and exe names) but same problem. Just to confirm, the bot is working with client version 2.0.0i for other people?
looks like pushedx need to update the bot. my bot says after 24h dc and update of poe version is not supported
duno. maybe but when they updating the server version i think you can connect with the wrong client version.
I didnt even realized there were a small update until a few mins ago where I restarted my pc lol damn another night without bot.
also getting this This client version is unsupported. Please check the forums for more information: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/exilebuddy-forum/exilebuddy-support/
http://updates.buddyauth.com/GetNewest?filter=ExilebuddyBETA This is the link to the beta bot mate, make sure you rename the bot itself ( ExileBuddyBETA), then please read the corresponding guides relating to OldGrindBot and OldRoutine, making sure you change the settings to the area which you want to grind. Cheers man and GL.
Expect a lot of client updates the first month after an expansion. GGG stays pretty busy, and since they are on the opposite timezone for me, there's times where a patch can drop where I'm not around. I have notifications setup for it though, so I know, it's just I won't always be able to update right away.
so creator isnt even uploading full releases just alot of betas atm? ive noticed almost none of the addons work for beta and all say for release version. so as it stands just have to run basic bot till release versions start coming out.
The addon has nothing to do with EB. Its the developer of those addons if they want to update it or not to be compatible with EB. As for beta... I bet it is 80% full version. Whats left is 15% tweaks and 5% new stuff lol.