Hello, Can i use field repair drone (legasy skill) in profile? Look like simple action. 1. Full inventory 2. Stop grind 3. Summon droid (cast skill) 4. Use droid 5. Sell items 6. Start grind
I think Joe's rutine does that but I am not sure if its working correctly... I've seen him summon the droid last time I tried Joe's
Joe did alot to get it working, but it wasn't failproof. For some it works, for some it just doesn't. The problem he had was with the bot finding the Droid.
Cant use Joe. 1. Sound crash in game 2. Strange rotation (just use all skills in any situation) and rotation for all class in one file (wall of code). I dont undestand how to fix rotaion for me
1. You have to edit MercHelpers.cs in \BuddyWing\Routines\Combat\Helpers, I sudgest you use a program called NotePad ++. Its just on line 44 & 45, the explanation: "Set the process Affinity on startup. Modify if you're running into 'Stutter Issues' or your sound in-game went to hell, and it actually matters to you, you dirty botter." It basicly dont use as much CPU. 2. I'm not sure I know this issue you're getting here.. I dont have this myself but I'm sure SWTOR (the user) can help you with this as he/she has helped me in the back with some issues I had with this routine. Other then that, I sudgest you use the DefaultCombat-routine, it comes with BW. Cheers! // Kabeewm. Edit: The line 44: ProcessSetAffin = true; - Set this to 'false' The line 45: ProcessSetPriority = true; - Set this to 'false'