Hey everyone. Figured I would make a standalone thread from my previous one with an update and my experiences. If you like this thread and my previous one please reply with a post or a bump I truly believe there is good knowledge here, especially for noob botters like me! Previous thread is https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/220231-starting-bot-3-wod-accounts.html So first off, I'm a total dumbass, but I learned a lot from my mistakes firsthand and I feel that is some very good experience for me to carry on into the future for botting. This will be a bit of a read, so hopefully those that followed my thread take the time to read over it. PREMISE To start off my original 3 accounts got banned. Pretty simple because I was selling a shit ton of gold from the accounts that were farming. They lasted 21 days and I made over $500. Easily worth it and even easier to replicate. So what happened? Well I created 3 fresh WoD accounts and started botting. I also created a 4th MoP account to sell the gold. Here is where I'm going to list my embarrassing fuck ups. SECOND 3 ACCOUNTS My first mistake was selling gold on the MoP account. Not only did I sell gold, but I mailed it from a level 1 character. Blizz snatched my ass up and perma banned the MoP account. The account that I got the gold from was given a 48hour suspension. To add onto this and what's really embarrassing, is for my 3 WoD accounts I made a guild for them. They're all on different servers and I placed the MoP bot as the guildmaster. Not only that, but I forgot to set permission to allow my WoD bot accounts to withdraw gold from the guild bank. I purposely would put all of my gold into the guild bank and withdraw it on my MoP account when I wanted to sell. So if you're understanding this, all the gold I farmed up until that point was located inside a guild bank that I could not withdraw. Perfect. SO WHAT DID I DO? Well me being the inexperienced greedy individual that I am, I wanted that gold back. So a few hours ago my WoD bot that got suspended was now active. I brought all of my bots to stormwind to sell my wares while I pursued my next course of action. CONTACTING BLIZZARD I'm sure some of you are already shaking your heads and laughing. So I started a live chat with then and came up with a elaborate but believable tale. Basically I wanted the guildmaster from the 3 guilds to be removed so my bots had access to the guild bank and therefor the gold. A little heads up, English is my first language and I consider myself to be very fluent in it. I was also in the military so tact is second nature to me. The chat is going smoothly until the gm says he needs to talk to his supervisor because of the weird nature of the situation. 18 minutes pass and the chat closes. Check my accounts, and they're all logged off and locked. Perfect. So I throw up another chat window to see what's going on with another GM. Talk to this guy for about 35 minutes and I would bet my left nut he believed what I was telling him. Alas nothing could be done. Even though the guy seemed to want to help me, it's a black and white matter. ALL 6 ACCOUNTS BANNED Clearly I fucked up and made some major mistakes. On top of those listed above, and prepare your tin foil hates, 1. I didn't change my IP 2. I didn't reinstall wow 3. I botted 12-24 hours a day IS HB DETECTABLE? Personally, I don't think Blizzard can detect HB. Not in the sense of looking up a user and realizing they are running HB attached to that client. I think it all comes down to stats and spreadsheets. If you play so much, get so much gold, kill so much, you're highlighted. So someone has to check you out. Sort of like throwing a file on the desk of a office worker. Eventually they get to it and check it out. The problem, and this is my opinion, is that I went directly to the worker with my file in hand and a smile on my face. I feel like the developers wouldn't let it be detected in the traditional sense, but only they truly know. THE END I hope this and my previous thread have been interesting enough for everyone here. I do plan on botting still but I don't think I will be posting more threads about my progress. I will still reveal my botting methods on the 7th of this month for any still interested. I truly hope my mistakes help other botters out. It's one thing to brainstorm then to actually experience it. Thank you for reading TL DR If you came down here for a tldr, choke yourself.
Pretty sure after 6 months the guild leader gets removed if inactive and it goes to the 2nd highest rank with the most activity. Unless they changed things since MoP.
It may even be 90 days, from my recollection, before you can overthrow the guild master. Sorry for the loss of your bots, but as you said, you botted dumb and paid the price. You also made them look into your "bot guild", which as you've identified yourself, was not a smart idea.
That's unfortunate folk, though not really unexpected. It's all about the gold selling in this case. According to the screenies you provided in the previous thread, you actually sold small accounts of gold to private customers. Many small gold or mats tradeoffs within the same period would surely flag your account. And when they investigate an account for gold selling, you can be sure as hell they will extend the investigation to the guild it belongs and takes mats from. It is even possible that you spent some time in your mop account offering gold per money on the trade channel? Just speculating. That sets you in a really hard position when facing blizzard. Be aware they can hardly separate a big time gold botter than a smaller one; a seasoned botter will limit the amount of connections from each Ip, probably having several at their disposal. And change them from time to time, of course. And that's without even having any kind of certainty that it worked, that the bot is not detected in the traditional sense, that changing Ip's or computer Id's actually help or not. In your situation, you tried to restart after a gold selling ban in the same IP. A fine analogy would be, there is a shop selling weed on X street X number. It gets locked and their owners inducted. Yet ,the next week, they try to open the store again at the same city, same street, same number. They changed the name though. Do you think that will help them to stay out of trouble any longer? Now, after having obtained your benefits, and taking into account the price of the 6 wod banned accounts + the mop account + the amount of time invested in the creation of the working bots, the battlenets, all the invested time of yours for selling the gold and handling the AH every day....was it still worth it? EDIT: I ask you this because, once the dust settles and the "OMG I'm making money off the game I love" sensation is over, when you realize it became more a work than something that you enjoy, you deflnetely value the time involved with it in a different way. It happened to everybody I know that bot for pofit,including myself, so its kind of expected.
Lessons well learnt. You had fun like you've said the entire way. People all have they own opinions long as your happy with what you did all that matters. You going to go again or just gonna bot normally now?
For serious stuff need more pcs, one gold sale, other for store, rest for botting. But this just mine paranoid, got 4 pcs atm tho
Good read, really. Thank you. I would like to remind that you were going to publish your methods. I will not insist, but you said it P.S. I would like to hear general ideas, but not step by step guide.
It's 30 days..... If the GM is inactive for 30 days, the top rank in the guild gets the option to overthrow. 30 days is al TS had to wait to get all of his stuff back. I've done it before. Where the GM account was banned, waited 30 days, overthrew the GM and everything was mine again..... As always; the best way to get banned is to become greedy.
Its 90 days, not 30. Blizzard has an article explaining the entire procedure to dethrone a GM. https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/guild-dethrone
And? I was really excited at first, because that looked like some smart farming\ah flipping, server economy research, but at the end it looks like just farming felblight on some good spot and dumping it on AH on realms with high felblight cost (that could be the only thing to research in server's economy ).
If you look at his posts in certain threads about felblight farming, it's quite obvious that that's what he's been farming