To all who have a problem with your class , do as I did and edit the profile on your own , for hunters it had Arcane shot set as pulling spell which is a spell only BM hunter know , I went inside both profiles looked for Hunter blocks and changed the spell ID of arcane shot to another spellID available to my class specialization :]
Check it out if it is worth it for your realm, we don't know the price of them where you play or the amount of other people farming them.
So, is it still profitable in some circumstances? I mean, ppl was saying it didnt worth it anymore :S And I've read too about classes, warrior is usable for this? which ilvl do i need? Can it be done by a fresh lvl100(just leveled)? My server has high population, but not like englishs servers. The price of one felblight is 120g +-. how do you see it
Will test this out and let you know my results, thanks for sharing this very much appreciated! EDIT: Ran this for about an hour or so and I almost got an entire stack of Felblight. Very nice profile, thanks for the share
an entire stack of felblight?? 200 fel in about an hour?? WTF??????? i cant drop 200 fel in 24h and u only in an hour??
Anyone else having problems getting the Felblights amounts with this script before the update past wednesday? I am getting instead of a solid 10-20 per hour back to 1-5 per hour..
Still love this profile, even though the nerf has taken a bit of a crap on it. Some sweet hundreds of k alrdy thou. Very well done
hey guys i have an problem with my bot, After about 80 minutes , the character ( druid balance) remains locked in the random points provided by the profile and remains impaled them until it resurrects the mob, and re-kill again.... profile are very good last night after nine hours I collected 130 felblight and 2000 raw beast hide... but pls help me with this problem!!! Edit: i tryed to stop e restart again, and still impaled now at the swamp of zorammarsh, but from the bot i have this message!! "Ignoring flight master Urtol Skyshear since we can't fully navigate to it."
Not really nerfed at all if you have a decently geared character. The chances are a bit lower, but you can overcome that with someone decently geared. I'm farming with a ilvl 700 druid, going very well. Around 400-500 felblight a day. Made 1.6m gold over the last month.