Prompt code in the profile as to make the bot click on the portal And the code to sit on the mount. pls
from Dark Portal In Blasted Lands spawn near Archmage Khadgar, and go to Horde\Ali Camp and use TP in Main City(Org\Storm)
These should help you if you want to get to continents: But if you just want to click the portal, and I'm assuming you're using questing profiles you'll probably want to run something like this: This snippet checks to see if we're in Stormwind and we're alliance then it moves to the cataclysm portal area and clicks on the Vashj'ir portal. Obviously you'll need to change the variables. PHP: <!--Credits to Kickazz006 for this navigation snippet--><If Condition="Me.ZoneId == 1519 && Me.IsAlliance"> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Vashj'ir Portal in SW" X="-8192.679" Y="446.8246" Z="116.8664" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /><CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="207691" Range="5" X="-8192.679" Y="446.8246" Z="116.8664" /></If>