Hello i try to use fly in my fishingbuddy profile but it's does'nt work <Hotspots> <CustomBehavior File="FlyTo" DestName="Garde-ciel Blann" X="4076.012" Y="1181.747" Z="160.9291" /> <CustomBehavior File="ForcedDismount" /> <CustomBehavior File="InteractWith" MobId="281103" X="1864.33" Y="217.8108" Z="76.66184" /> <CustomBehavior File="WaitTimer" WaitTime="5000" GoalText="Waiting for port {TimeRemaining}" /> <Hotspot X="3924.526" Y="-1157.36" Z="20.96392" /> <Hotspot X="3915.65" Y="-1117.683" Z="20.12133" /> <Hotspot X="3829.918" Y="-1101.044" Z="23.45723" /> <Hotspot X="3704.297" Y="-948.7167" Z="-0.7185286" /> <Hotspot X="3669.869" Y="-904.1186" Z="0.09156811" /> <Hotspot X="3603.344" Y="-942.3648" Z="-0.8837878" /> <Hotspot X="3599.344" Y="-990.656" Z="-0.6018384" /> <Hotspot X="3644.739" Y="-984.6504" Z="1.692426" /> Sorry I'm french and my english is bad. Thx for your help.