(I know a little about computers and some coding but still at the novice level.) I have been wondering since blizzard has a way to watch what your computer's task manager is running could you run HB on a separate computer linked to the one running wow? Therefore no trace of HB or its components could be detected and lowering the risk, increasing the performance with botting (Less computer resources on the one running wow). Just a thought and curious if it could be done?
Pointless because you always have something running on WoW's computer which has to write to the memory of WoW's process.
Packet botting was done back in the D2 days. Sever emulation mixed with filters etc. We can only dream stuff like that evolves. No need for CPU and Video card usage. That shit would run without even a visual need.
You are talking about custom client 1) Afaik there wasnt anything like that in WoW history 2) Custom client have price tag higher than alle Buddy keys combined, so we will not be able to obtain one. To OP. It could be done, but there is no benefit. - It is not safer - something is always running on same PC as wow - It is not faster - network lag etc
I know a lot of people keep throwing around HOW blizzard detects botting, which they stated in the last agreement that they could "monitor your ram". (It's pretty straight forward.. HOW they detect botting now.) This meaning they are able to scan your ram whenever they want. Question is HOW to get around that..? I figured it would be a nightmare to maintain and update a network type client/server, but like with everything change is inevitable Blizzard is going to keep "Altering" their agreement if botting is to keep going there has to be new roads taken. Maybe not this way, I'm just looking at ways it can be taken. Also, like was mentioned about a stand alone media. Possibly a jump drive or running a client via cell connected to computer. Humm, just thought about what Keanu said about the writing to/logs... That seems to be the biggest hurdle... Could you use something like remote maintenance system windows/other services have and be hardwired to that computer? (Remember novice/intermediate coding/writing skills) lol