I was wondering how you guys are making gold ingame atm? I've been farming Felblight but they don't sell for as much as they used to and I'm not really sure what to so to increase my gold making. Any tips?
Making gold is actually very easy and simple, people overcomplicate it. Basically it takes time. You don't always make 5,000+ gold an hour ignore that BS. You need to drop expectations of quick gold because like in life nothing comes quick to most of us. You need to find market in game and run with it. I would look at 3 or 4 markets at any given time. I farm pets and crafting materials. I might get 1 pet an hour, 2 an hour or 1 per day. But the trick is just stick with it, I stopped farming felblight when it dropped below 200g each on my realm. Pet farming over time provided much better returns but it takes longer to sell the item.
hey mate these are some of the profiles i use to farm gold https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...iles/farming/183426-firelands-trash-farm.html / usually make around 800 GPH with this https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...rming/184155-bastion-twilight-trash-farm.html / made around 700 GPH vendering all items, you can make alot more selling the ember silk cloth on the AH https://www.thebuddyforum.com/honor...timized-gold-farming-dungeons-trash-mobs.html / On this profile i farm Gundrak and Drak'Tharon and make around 850 GPH vendering all items, There are many different ways to earn gold these are just a few to try As huntersmoon said its very simple to make gold, it just takes time, be smart about how you bot dont leave it grinding the same thing for hours on end, mix it up a bit.