use that plugin it wil accept ready checks
[N[Apexis crystal and baleful item farm Fixed Made a couple adjustments and it seems to run fine. I have tested in on my Hunter and it kills, loots and skins mobs. All credit to OP. No Plugins required.
New version available. New version does include Vendor and no longer require combat-puller to run smooth Version with blacklist is still the same Download is in original post
Very nice profile, i use it alot just to get my gear up! +rep! I have a question - whats the code for using repair mount, instead of running to a vendor?, could i copy/paste that instead?
First i want to say thanks for the compliment to my profile Now as a reply to your question.. I tryed to get this done before but I didn't know how to, so i contacted EchoTiger (HB profile master) and he told me the following: "The vendoring hook that's built into the bot will automatically consider if you have a vendor mount. You shouldn't have to write anything into the profile specifically for it." Now as it is not working I also don't know what the problem is.. if any1 does know tho.. would be awesome to hear how we can fix this
I had to disable kill between hotspots. I tried using the blacklist 2.0, and the 1.3 plugins. I only need to count till 10 seconds till the bot gets stuck on a glitched mob, and it NEVER leaves the mob. It's impossible to do this with combat enabled.
I ran the normal version of this till i had 150k for the mount... during the time i started using Fndle's loot-a-rang with the plugin for it which uses it. The plugin basicly keeps spamming the loot-a-rang bq there is always loot on the floor and it doesn't attack mobs bq it's bussy looting. and bq you're still moving and sometimes it does attack back you still don't look afk
I ran the normal version of this till i had 150k for the mount... during the time i started using Fndle's loot-a-rang with the plugin for it which uses it. The plugin basicly keeps spamming the loot-a-rang bq there is always loot on the floor and it doesn't attack mobs bq it's bussy looting. and bq you're still moving and sometimes it does attack back you still don't look afk
Bq it is out of topic to question that but i use it bq its less typing and every1 knows whats ment with it
Thx for this, gotten me a few K apexis this weekend, however: Sometimes it runs out from the crowd and keeps on dying. Happend 4 times now when I went AFK and when I came back it was dead and all gear red. Another is I miss that it can't join a farm group itself, sometimes the group dies out or you get kicked out Short: Fix Repair Fix so it doesnt run away Find more raid
Removed the Mobid's to get a higher Apexis per hour, removed the southern hotspot that made you look retarded/botish as the better groups do it in a deformed octagonal path, and changed the other hotspots. If you're squishy, aren't in a super large active group, and pull a bunch of mobs you may die. And the plugin for the ready checks is required as the super active large groups tend to have a leader checking for afk's very often.
Keeps getting stuck while looting wih the loot window open dunno why, tred turning auto loot on / off too
Dose anybody know why cant I repair to NPS named Horkchortle? I can't have any kind of dialgue with this NPS and I need him for the profile repair. I suppose that's coz i'm Alliance. Could you change the repair thing for Alliance too?
Used this profile for 12 hours during the apexis event while in a 40 man farming raid. Result: 70.000 Apexis Crystals 1.5k Raw gold 500G Gray items around 100 Greens 265 Primal Spirit