Hello there, is there currently a way of telling in which region the local player is in? By region I mean La Noscea, The Black Shroud, etc. I can't seem to find any helpful information on this part. As far as I can tell the WorldManager Class lacks any such information.
http://www.rbdocumentation.com/html/d0ac99bb-8e66-a4df-6177-d03843dd5907.htm Usage: Code: <If Condition="IsOnMap(401)"> </If> 401 = The Sea of Clouds To run a conditional when not in a zone: Code: <If Condition="not IsOnMap(401)"> </If>
Thanks for your answer. However the IsOnMap method doesn't do exactly what I was asking for. Even though it returns the current zone, for instance "Central Shroud", it doesn't provide me the information about the superordinate of the zone. Sorry for my poor explanation, I'm looking for the following values (either ID or Name): La Noscea The Black Shroud Thanalan Coerthas NOT the subzones of the specified zones above. What I mean by subzones: Eastern La Noscea Western La Noscea Upper La Noscea Outer La Noscea ...