What does the Ground mount farming mode option for Questing and Grind Bot bot bases even do? Is it supposed to force my toon to use ground mounts even if flying is available in the zone? Because it isn't. What does this option do? My character is just flying over all the nodes, mobs, etc and not dismounting to collect or kill, ever since flying in 6.2.2. I thought the ground mount mode might force it to just go back to ground mount only and fix my problem, but nope.
I'd like to know what it does as well. It seems as though everyone is having problems with Draenor profiles.
yeah it is a pain cause when farming the felblights all it wants to do is fly around and just keep flying even with ground mount farm enabled it really needs to be fixed otherwise whats the point in it. but i undertstand that things are still being adjusted due to patch is fresh