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  • Routines Issues

    Discussion in 'Buddy Wing Support' started by m8xxx95, Sep 5, 2015.

    1. m8xxx95

      m8xxx95 New Member

      Sep 30, 2011
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      I feel dumb asking this, but I need help with the routines :p
      I have tried following the steps etc etc but I am having no luck at all.

      Been using honorbuddy for wow for a long time, quite easy setup.
      Though the "Buddy Wing" routines is like hell for me haha.
      I either get the default combat routine aka only basic attacks.
      When I try to change the routine to something else, by importing and deleting.. I can't seem to find any routines,
      so I usually just import the old combat routine that I deleted, though it doesn't always show up in the "change combat routine menu".
      I am like deleting and installing Buddy Wing all the time because I cant find a profile.

      I've read: https://www.thebuddyforum.com/buddy-wing-forum/buddy-wing-support/111150-read-buddywing-youre.html

      Tried both of the combat routines.
      - Joe's Fights
      - WingIt All In One

      I am probably doing something wrong, if someone got some kind of "easier" guide, please let me know. :rolleyes:
      Or just post your file: BuddyWing 1.0.1234.731\Routines\DefaultCombat :p
    2. Praline

      Praline Member

      Aug 17, 2015
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      Save yourself a LOT of hassle and do not try to install anything extra for now. Buddywing is optimized atm to run out of the box with the Default Routine it comes bundled with. The only extra thing you should do is delete everything in the plugins folder.
      What new users do not seem to understand is that NONE of the other combat routines is supported anymore, so they simply won't work unless you scan through the forums and add edited files. That can be a nightmare if you do not yet understand the way the bot works (differently from HB etc).
      You are wrong in assuming Default Routine is only basic attacks. It is everything and more that PURE is (written by the same author - Ama). Alltruist is always around to make changes that might be needed as well. He is very helpful if you ever run into a problem with Default Routine.
      Just try it - make a completely new directory and do a fresh install. Go to your plugins folder and delete everything in there. Then load up the profile you are trying to run, and take it from there. If you see it does not fire the skills you want it to, make a new thread in the Default Combat Routine forum with your suggestions, and take it from there?
      From your message it seems clear that you will be able to figure it all out pretty quickly, but stick to Default for now, and then take it from there.
      Just a suggestion..:)

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