Hello fellow buddies. I have been using DB again since the fix. Haven't had any problems with plugins, profiles or the client itself. Actually there are no real problems. Its just that monk class seems to be a little buggy to me. For instance the monk doesn't use his generation spells when out of spirit, he just stand there looking at the evil monsters in front of him. SSS isn't used when off cooldown, even when I check "use generation spells before exploding palm is applied" he just does his own thing! And so there are a few more of these awkward moments that seem to happen often when I look at my bot to check up on him. Any of you experience the same?
try removing dashing strike from the skills and maybe use another skill instead (inner sanctuary was my choice). Once I did this my monk is working like a charm.
I found out (for me) its got something to do with the weapons. When I use Jawbreaker or In-Geon in on weapon slots OR cube, it will bug out. I think its got something to do with the dash mechanic with the codeing of the weapon/skill on the weapons Try use another weapon and see if this works