I am currently leveling 2 Tuaren Paladins. they get stuck alot when vendoring in towns and stuff. id recommend a Blood Elf. 1 of them got a 72hour suspension before hitting lvl 60. because there AWLAYS getting stuck.
I started leveling my herbalism and yes, it's a nice bonus the herb gathering speed. About the stamina bonus it's 5% not 10%.
What profiles are you guys using to bot the tauren pallys? I can't find one that works past 10 and hits northern barrens.
BE because when its botting I don't care and I don't play a Paladin every day anyway, Tauren getting stuck annoys the hell out of me more than aesthetics.
Aesthetically, blood elf for female and tauren for male. Male blood elves are a bit feminine, too skinny for plate and have quite terrible running animation. Tauren, on the other hand, are fucking alpha males. Technically, tauren are a bit large and will occasionally get stuck somewhere because of that, but only during questing. Once you get to farming, the probability of getting stuck somewhere because of the size is negligible. On the bright side, they have 0.5 sec herb gather cast time, which is a minor, but still advantage.
This "getting stuck" isnt so big problem that u need think it and IF is, create Coblin or Chome and ur never get stucked..