yea well, i wonder what way is the fastest? Raf and get the professions later or level them all solo and gather at the same time as grinding?
What I do for new toons as I level them is usually, Herb/Skinning. Leather sells pretty good and now with flying, I drop Skinning once I hit max level then level mining. Win Win imo, That way your always making something off a proffesion.
there's a lot less nodes and your toon eventually "lags behind" for mining so you would have to stop it every 10 levels or less, to catch it up
Ah i see Well, if you would bring 3 new chars up, would you raf them together or something or what would you do?
well on my main server, i just RAF to main and pl them to 60 (takes 10 hours or so). but if not, i just let them bot up, not a big deal... 2-3 days
How do you manage to bot form 1-60 in 2-3 days?! i have 2 days and 10 hours played and im only a couple levels past 40 on my most recent 100% botted char! And if you RAF your botting chars with your main account, aren't you afraid they will notice when banning one of your bots that your main RAF'd it, and then be able to see all the accs you RAF'ed from ur main (all your botting accs)?
I stop them every 10 levels or so and get them gear ... train, etc. I also have very big bags (4x22 slots). i use my own profiles and classes that don't suck